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2023 04 06

Chris Little edited this page Apr 27, 2023 · 6 revisions

Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG Meeting 97

14:00 UTC (08:00 MDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 23:00 CST, Friday 01:00 AET)


  • Agree Agenda and IPR Call
  • Minutes/Notes of previous meeting

Status: EDR

Progress in the last month:

  • EDR API Specification:
    • Progress on V1.1 (Categorical Dimensions, POST)
    • Progress on V1.2 (PubSub)
    • Adding support for simple statistics/data aggregation/summary in V1.2
  • Outstanding Issues:
    • Where in the Repo is the title page, to change v1.0 to V1.1?
    • New version of ISO FDIS19123-1 available, probably no impact on EDR or CoverageJSON
  • Outstanding Pull Requests:
  • Compliance Test Suite:
    • The earliest the CITE engineers can start on V1.1 is latter part of Q3. If at least one, preferably 3, implementers implement v1.1 and are willing to have their implementation certified, then approval of the ETS can be fast tracked by the TC. If there are no implementers of V1.1 willing to have their products certified, the ETS will stall at the Beta stage.
  • API coordination:
    • OpenGIS/apache/OSF SPrint this week, Switzerland
    • Tiling Sprint June 2023, Alabama
  • Update other Documentation on GitHub:

Plans for next month:

  • Publish V1.1


  • API PubSub session with Connected Systems at end of API day in TC Huntsville

Longer Term Plans:

  • Non-breaking changes and enhancements: Version 1.2 (PubSub)
  • Non-breaking changes and enhancements: Version 1.3
  • Version 2.x: Not envisaged


Any Other Business:

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday, 2023-05-18: 14:00 - 15:00 UTC ??




  • Chris Little
  • Mark Burgoyne


  • Steve Olson

Agenda and IPR Call:

  • Minutes/Notes of previous meeting: agree next time with quorum

Status: EDR

Progress in the last month:

  • EDR API Specification:
    • Progress on V1.1 (Categorical Dimensions, POST) Formal TC vote about to start, finishes after 45 days.
    • Progress on V1.2 (PubSub) Paper well accepted, proof of concept demonstrated in Frascati, prototypes being developed
    • V1.2 could be a separate API-EDR Part 2, making it easier to add to API-Common
    • Adding support for simple statistics/data aggregation/summary in V1.2.
  • Outstanding Issues: none
  • Outstanding Pull Requests: Only V1.2 or V1.0.2 branches outstanding
  • Compliance Test Suite: V1.1 delayed until at least 3Q2023
  • API coordination:
    • Joint session with Connected Sysems SWG being organised for Huntsville TC
    • Little response to PubSub paper from other APIs
  • Update other Documentation on GitHub:

Plans for next month: TC e-vote on acceptance of V1.1 due to end mid-June 2023. No issues raised.


  • Presentation to OGC UK & Ireland Regional Forum 3 May 2023
  • WMO WIS2 plans being firmed up, several National Meteorological Services implementing both external and internal facing systems

Longer Term Plans:

  • Non-breaking changes and enhancements: Version 1.2: PubSub and Data Summaries
  • Non-breaking changes and enhancements: Tentative Version 1.3: Streaming response, maybe replaced by PubSub
  • Version 2.x: Not envisaged, unless large scale re-alignments of all APIs planned. Certainly later than V1.3


Any Other Business:

Date of Next Meeting: 2023-05-18: 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (15:00-16:00 BST, 10:00-11:00 EDT)

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