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2020 04 23

David Blodgett edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 1 revision

2020-04-23 Environmental Data Retrieval SWG Meeting 9

13:00 UTC (07:00 MDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 BST, 15:00 CEST, 21:00 CST, 23:00 AEST)

gotomeeting in OGC Portal


  1. Agree Agenda and IPR Call

  2. Minutes/Notes of previous meetings

  3. Report of EDR API Virtual Sprint

    Outstanding Issues from Sprint

    Discussion and (dis)Agreement on Sprint Recommendations

    Proposal to release Sprint Report

  4. Current Candidate EDR API Specification
    Outstanding Issues from SWG

    Outstanding Pull Requests

    OGC API - Common: Part 1 Core, Part 2 Collections, Part 3 CRS agreed

    OGC API - Features - Part 3: Common Query Language

    OGC API - Features - Part 4: Simple Transactions

    Way forward

  5. Any Other Business

    May/June Webinar

  6. Next Meeting

    Fortnight? Thursday 7th May 2020, same time?

    June TC session - we have bagged 14:00-15:30 UTC Monday (08:00-09:30MDT, 10:00-11:30EDT, 15:00-16:30BST, 16:00-17:30CEST, 22:00-23:30CST, 24:00-01:30AEST)



Chris Little

Dave Blodgett

Boyi Shangguan

Igor Andruski

Lei Hu

Mark Burgoyne

Mingda Shang

Paul Hershberg

Pavol Novotny

Roope Tervo

Shane Mill

Steve Olson

  1. Agree Agenda and IPR Call
    Welcome Pavol. (IBL working with UK Met Office)
    Agenda agreed to.

  2. Minutes/Notes of previous meetings

  3. Report of EDR API Virtual Sprint
    Chris closed all issues and referenced the main EDR repo in comments.
    We are filling in the last bits of the sprint report now.
    Steve O. has produced an OGC blog entry that will go out in the next few days.
    Need edits by noon EST tomorrow.

Sprint report:
Need high-level summary
Some formatting issues need to be sorted out.
Recommendations still need to be written up.

  • WKT linestring for multi-dimensional geometries(?)
  • Query names changed (polygon-area point-position)
  • Not mention streaming -- it's an implementation detail
  • Agreed that we would use named "locations"
  • Named "times" seem to be a good analogy to named "locations"
  • Groups vs collections have been explored and we will stick with our working definition of collections.
  1. Current Candidate Spec
  • Issue #47: Mark is happy with it -- simplifies the API -- lightens server load.
  • Issue #45: Related to #47. Some of the issues are simplified. Still need to debate trajectory vs vertical profile.
  • Issue #44: Probably have a use case for OGC-API Records -- agreement that we should have a high-level and detailed metadata source. Need to determine how it's implemented.
  • Issue #43 and #40: still working
  • Issue #38: Looking for maximum compatibility with OGC API-Features. We need to continue this discussion.
  1. OGC API - Common: Part 1 Core, Part 2 Collections, Part 3 CRS agreed

  2. Any Other Business

  3. Next Meeting



  • Chris will finalize the sprint report in the next few days.
  • SWG will be given ~3 days to review -- all done by May 1st.
  • m-burgoyne will close #45 and #47 and open a new issue for trajectory vs vertical profile.
  • m-burgoyne will take care of #46
  • Meeting planned with Shane and Tom to discuss some issues around issue #44 and the Records API.
  • Can record agreement on how the current spec satisfies #44 @m-burgoyne will close.
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