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OpenHPC v1.3 (31 March 2017)

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@koomie koomie released this 31 Mar 20:36
· 0 commits to obs/OpenHPC_1.2.1_Factory since this release

Release Notes

**Important note on upgrading from versions prior to 1.3
  • There are significant changes included in the warewulf-httpd.conf file that ships with the warewulf-provision-server-ohpc package. If upgrading from a previous version, the updated config file will be saved as /etc/httpd/conf.d/warewulf-httpd.conf.rpmnew locally. You will need to copy this new version to the production file and restart the web server to ensure correct provisioning behavior. As an example for CentOS:
[sms]# cp /etc/httpd/conf.d/warewulf-httpd.conf.rpmnew /etc/httpd/conf.d/warewulf-httpd.conf
[sms]# systemctl restart httpd
  • general fixes and updates to support CentOS7.3 and SLES 12 SP2
  • added info on steps required to use predictable network interface names for provisioning
    interfaces (#354)
  • addition of new Appendix in docs highlighting upgrade steps (#366)
  • addition of new test-suite-ohpc RPM that contains the integration test suite used to support OpenHPC releases. This addition came out of requests from the SC16 BoF session. (#63)
  • adoption of a more generic repo path for publishing OpenHPC RPMs (#368)
  • enabled jobcomp_elasticsearch plugin in SLURM build (#382)
  • inclusion of example modulefiles that can be used as templates for integrating locally provided software (#397)
  • Warewulf build now based on pre-release version of 3.7 branch in order to enable UEFI PXE boot support with newer syslinux and other bug fixes (#372)
  • variety of component version updates highlighted below
Component Additions
 * test-suite-ohpc                          (1.3)
Component Version Changes
  * EasyBuild-ohpc                           (2.9.0 -> 3.1.2)
  * R_base-ohpc                              (3.3.1 -> 3.3.2)
  * adios-gnu-impi-ohpc                      (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0)
  * adios-gnu-mpich-ohpc                     (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0)
  * adios-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc                  (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0)
  * adios-gnu-openmpi-ohpc                   (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0)
  * adios-intel-impi-ohpc                    (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0)
  * adios-intel-mpich-ohpc                   (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0)
  * adios-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0)
  * adios-intel-openmpi-ohpc                 (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0)
  * boost-gnu-impi-ohpc                      (1.61.0 -> 1.63.0)
  * boost-gnu-mpich-ohpc                     (1.61.0 -> 1.63.0)
  * boost-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc                  (1.61.0 -> 1.63.0)
  * boost-gnu-openmpi-ohpc                   (1.61.0 -> 1.63.0)
  * boost-intel-impi-ohpc                    (1.61.0 -> 1.63.0)
  * boost-intel-mpich-ohpc                   (1.61.0 -> 1.63.0)
  * boost-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                (1.61.0 -> 1.63.0)
  * boost-intel-openmpi-ohpc                 (1.61.0 -> 1.63.0)
  * docs-ohpc                                (1.2.1 -> 1.3)
  * hypre-gnu-impi-ohpc                      (2.10.1 -> 2.11.1)
  * hypre-gnu-mpich-ohpc                     (2.10.1 -> 2.11.1)
  * hypre-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc                  (2.10.1 -> 2.11.1)
  * hypre-gnu-openmpi-ohpc                   (2.10.1 -> 2.11.1)
  * hypre-intel-impi-ohpc                    (2.10.1 -> 2.11.1)
  * hypre-intel-mpich-ohpc                   (2.10.1 -> 2.11.1)
  * hypre-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                (2.10.1 -> 2.11.1)
  * hypre-intel-openmpi-ohpc                 (2.10.1 -> 2.11.1)
  * lustre-client-ohpc                       (2.8.0 -> 2.9.0)   	[CentOS only]
  * lustre-client-ohpc-tests                 (2.8.0 -> 2.9.0)		[CentOS only]
  * nagios-common-ohpc                       (4.1.1 -> 4.3.1)
  * nagios-devel-ohpc                        (4.1.1 -> 4.3.1)
  * nagios-ohpc                              (4.1.1 -> 4.3.1)
  * netcdf-cxx-gnu-impi-ohpc                 (4.2.1 -> 4.3.0)
  * netcdf-cxx-gnu-mpich-ohpc                (4.2.1 -> 4.3.0)
  * netcdf-cxx-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc             (4.2.1 -> 4.3.0)
  * netcdf-cxx-gnu-openmpi-ohpc              (4.2.1 -> 4.3.0)
  * netcdf-gnu-impi-ohpc                     (4.4.1 ->
  * netcdf-gnu-mpich-ohpc                    (4.4.1 ->
  * netcdf-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc                 (4.4.1 ->
  * netcdf-gnu-openmpi-ohpc                  (4.4.1 ->
  * netcdf-intel-impi-ohpc                   (4.4.1 ->
  * netcdf-intel-mpich-ohpc                  (4.4.1 ->
  * netcdf-intel-mvapich2-ohpc               (4.4.1 ->
  * netcdf-intel-openmpi-ohpc                (4.4.1 ->
  * ohpc-release                             (1.2 -> 1.3)
  * openmpi-gnu-ohpc                         (1.10.4 -> 1.10.6)
  * openmpi-intel-ohpc                       (1.10.4 -> 1.10.6)
  * openmpi-psm2-gnu-ohpc                    (1.10.4 -> 1.10.6)
  * openmpi-psm2-intel-ohpc                  (1.10.4 -> 1.10.6)
  * pdtoolkit-gnu-ohpc                       (3.22 -> 3.23)
  * pdtoolkit-intel-ohpc                     (3.22 -> 3.23)
  * petsc-gnu-impi-ohpc                      (3.7.0 -> 3.7.5)
  * petsc-gnu-mpich-ohpc                     (3.7.0 -> 3.7.5)
  * petsc-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc                  (3.7.0 -> 3.7.5)
  * petsc-gnu-openmpi-ohpc                   (3.7.0 -> 3.7.5)
  * petsc-intel-impi-ohpc                    (3.7.0 -> 3.7.5)
  * petsc-intel-mpich-ohpc                   (3.7.0 -> 3.7.5)
  * petsc-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                (3.7.0 -> 3.7.5)
  * petsc-intel-openmpi-ohpc                 (3.7.0 -> 3.7.5)
  * python-scipy-gnu-mpich-ohpc              (0.18.0 -> 0.19.0)
  * python-scipy-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc           (0.18.0 -> 0.19.0)
  * python-scipy-gnu-openmpi-ohpc            (0.18.0 -> 0.19.0)
  * slurm-devel-ohpc                         (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * slurm-munge-ohpc                         (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * slurm-ohpc                               (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * slurm-pam_slurm-ohpc                     (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * slurm-perlapi-ohpc                       (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * slurm-plugins-ohpc                       (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * slurm-sjobexit-ohpc                      (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * slurm-sjstat-ohpc                        (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * slurm-slurmdb-direct-ohpc                (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * slurm-slurmdbd-ohpc                      (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * slurm-sql-ohpc                           (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * slurm-torque-ohpc                        (16.05.8 -> 16.05.10)
  * trilinos-gnu-impi-ohpc                   (12.6.4 -> 12.10.1)
  * trilinos-gnu-mpich-ohpc                  (12.6.4 -> 12.10.1)
  * trilinos-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc               (12.6.4 -> 12.10.1)
  * trilinos-gnu-openmpi-ohpc                (12.6.4 -> 12.10.1)
  * trilinos-intel-impi-ohpc                 (12.6.4 -> 12.10.1)
  * trilinos-intel-mpich-ohpc                (12.6.4 -> 12.10.1)
  * trilinos-intel-mvapich2-ohpc             (12.6.4 -> 12.10.1)
  * trilinos-intel-openmpi-ohpc              (12.6.4 -> 12.10.1)
  * warewulf-cluster-node-ohpc               (3.6 -> 3.7pre)
  * warewulf-cluster-ohpc                    (3.6 -> 3.7pre)
  * warewulf-common-ohpc                     (3.6 -> 3.7pre)
  * warewulf-ipmi-ohpc                       (3.6 -> 3.7pre)
  * warewulf-provision-gpl_sources-ohpc      (3.6 -> 3.7pre)
  * warewulf-provision-ohpc                  (3.6 -> 3.7pre)
  * warewulf-provision-server-ohpc           (3.6 -> 3.7pre)
  * warewulf-vnfs-ohpc                       (3.6 -> 3.7pre)