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Default Port Numbers

javapark1 edited this page Dec 5, 2023 · 15 revisions

◀️ Running Clusters ▶️ 🔗 Running Clusters Independent of PadoGrid ▶️

Running multiple clusters on your local machine requires careful selection of unique ports to prevent conflicts. This section lists the default port numbers of each product and provides a non-conflicting multi-cluster example.

Default Cluster Port Numbers

The port numbers shown in this section are configurable in each cluster's etc/ file.


Property Port Factory Default
tcp.startPort *9000 *9000 required
debug.startPort 9501 N/A enabled
jmx.startPort 12401 N/A enabled
prometheus.startPort 8391 N/A enabled

* Factory default port numbers


Property Port Factory Default
tcp.startPort *9092 *9092 required
debug.startPort 9801 N/A enabled
jmx.startPort 12701 N/A enabled
prometheus.startPort 8791 N/A enabled
http.startPort 8090 N/A enabled

* Factory default port numbers


Property Port Factory Default
locator.tcp.startPort *10334 *10334 required
locator.jmx.manager.http.startPort *7070 *7070 enabled
locator.jmx.manager.startPort 9051 N/A enabled
tcp.startPort *40404 *40404 required
http.startPort 7080 N/A enabled
debug.startPort 9101 N/A enabled
jmx.startPort 12001 N/A enabled
prometheus.startPort 8091 N/A enabled
locator.debug.startPort 9201 N/A disabled
locator.jmx.startPort 12101 N/A disabled
locator.prometheus.startPort 8191 N/A disabled

* Factory default port numbers

In addition to the above port numbers, Geode/GemFire also uses the following UDP port range for member-to-member communications.

Geode/GemFire Property Port
gemfire.membership-port-range 41000-61000


Property Port Factory Default
namenode.tcp.startPort 19000 19000 required
namenode.http.startPort *9870 *9870 required
tcp.startPort *9866 *9866 enabled
http.startPort *9864 *9864 required
namenode.debug.startPort 9951 N/A enabled
debug.startPort 9901 N/A enabled
namenode.jmx.startPort 12851 N/A enabled
jmx.startPort 12801 N/A enabled
namenode.prometheus.startPort 8991 N/A disabled
prometheus.startPort 8891 N/A disabled

* Factory default port numbers


Property Port Factory Default
tcp.startPort *5701 *5701 required
debug.startPort 9401 N/A enabled
jmx.startPort 12201 N/A enabled
prometheus.startPort 8291 N/A enabled
mc.http.port *8080 N/A enabled
mc.jmx.port 9301 N/A enabled
mc.jmx.rmi.port 9351 N/A enabled
mc.https.port *8443 N/A disabled

* Factory default port numbers


Property Port Factory Default
tcp.startPort *9092 *9092 required
debug.startPort 9801 N/A enabled
jmx.startPort 12701 N/A enabled
prometheus.startPort 8791 N/A enabled


Property Port Factory Default
tcp.startPort *1883 *1883 required


Property Port Factory Default
tcp.startPort *6379 *6379 required

* Factory default port numbers


Property Port Factory Default
locator.tcp.startPort *10334 *10334 required
spark.ui.port (leader) *5050 *5050 required
tcp.startPort (server) *40404 *40404 required
locator.jmx.manager.http.startPort *7070 *7070 enabled
locator.jmx.manager.startPort 9051 N/A enabled
debug.startPort 9101 N/A enabled
jmx.startPort 12001 N/A enabled
prometheus.startPort 8091 N/A enabled
locator.prometheus.startPort 8191 N/A disabled
locator.debug.startPort 9201 N/A disabled
locator.jmx.startPort 12101 N/A disabled
leader.debug.startPort 9206 N/A disabled
leader.jmx.startPort 12106 N/A disabled
leader.prometheus.startPort 8196 N/A disabled

* Factory default port numbers


Property Port Factory Default
master.tcp.startPort *7077 *7077 required
master.webui.startPort 8580 *8080 required
tcp.startPort 60000 N/A required
webui.startPort 8581 *8081 required
debug.startPort 9701 N/A enabled
jmx.startPort 12501 N/A enabled
prometheus.startPort 8691 N/A disabled
master.debug.startPort 9601 N/A disabled
master.jmx.startPort 12601 N/A disabled
master.prometheus.startPort 8591 N/A disabled

* Factory default port numbers

Starting All Products

To start all the supported products in your local environment, you must resolved the conflicting port numbers.

The following products do not have port conflicts. They can be run together with the default port numbers.

  • Coherence
  • Geode or GemFire (but not both)
  • Hadoop
  • Hazelcast or Jet (but not both)
  • Kafka/Confluent
  • Mosquitto
  • Spark

The products with conflicting port numbers are listed below. You can create non-conflicting clusters using the -port option as shown in the subsequent section.

  • GemFire port numbers conflict with Geode.
  • Jet port numbers conflict with Hazelcast (IMDG).
  • SnappyData port numbers conflict with Geode and GemFire.

Non-Conflicting Clusters Example

The following example creates clusters in the current workspace with non-conflicting ports. Once created, you can start all of them with the start_workspace command.

create_cluster -product coherence
create_cluster -product geode
create_cluster -product hazelcast
create_cluster -product hadoop
create_cluster -product kafka
create_cluster -product mosquitto
create_cluster -product redis
create_cluster -product spark

# To avoid geode/gemfire port conflicts (default: 10334)
create_cluster -product gemfire -port 10434

# To avoid hazelcast/jet port conflicts (default: 5701)
create_cluster -product jet -port 5751

# To avoid geode/snappdata port conflicts (default: 10334)
create_cluster -product snappydata -port 12334

To start all clusters:

start_workspace -all

To view status of all clusters:

show_clusters -all

To stop all clusters:

stop_workspace -all

Additional Default Port Numbers


Command Port Factory Default
start_jupyter *8888 *8888 required
  • Factory default port numbers

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◀️ Running Clusters ▶️ 🔗 Running Clusters Independent of PadoGrid ▶️
















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