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PadoGrid Configuration Files

Dae Song Park edited this page Sep 24, 2022 · 3 revisions

◀️ Multitenancy Best Practices 🔗 Integrated Tools ▶️

PadoGrid generates numerous configuration files when you install or create PadoGrid components. Some of the generated configuration files may be modified based on your requirements. The following table provides a complete list.

Configuration File User Modifiable? Description
~/.padogrid Yes This directory contains global settings available to all PadoGrid components.
~/.padogrid/ Yes Environmement variables pertaining to all users and PadoGrid components. This file is typically used to define GitHub and Gitea variables.
~/.padogrid/workspaces No This directory contains the user specific workspace metadata. For example, in multi-tenant workspaces, this directory keeps track of user navigated workspace information.
<rwe>/ No This file contains internal settings that apply to all components in the RWE. Do NOT modify this file.
<rwe>/.archive Yes This directory contains archived files generated by remove_* commands. These files are backup files that can be manually deleted if you do not need them. You can delete the entire directory as needed.
<rwe>/.jupyter Yes This directory contains Jupyter specific metadata.
<rwe>/.<product> Yes These files contain product specific settings. For example, file may contain license settings that apply to all Hazelcast components in the RWE.
<rwe>/.rwe No This directory contains RWE specific metadata.
<rwe>/ No This file initializes the RWE. Do NOT modify this file.
<rwe>/ Yes This file contains settings that apply to all components in the RWE. The update_product command updates this file with the product version you selected. These settings can be overriden by each component in their respective file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/ No This file contains internal settings that apply to all components in the workspace. Do NOT modify this file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/.workspace No This directory contains workspace specific metadata.
<rwe>/<workspace>/apps/<app>/bin_sh/ No This file contains internal settings that apply to the app. Do NOT modify this file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/apps/<app>/bin_sh/ Yes Thisfile contains app specific settings. The workspace-wide and cluster specific settings can be overriden in this file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/clusters/<cluster>/.cluster No This directory contains cluster specific metadata.
<rwe>/<workspace>/clusters/<cluster>/bin_sh/ No This file contains internal settings that apply to the cluster. Do NOT modify this file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/clusters/<cluster>/bin_sh/ Yes This file contains cluster and product specific settings. The workspace-wide settings can be overriden in this file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/clusters/<cluster>/etc/ Yes This file contains cluster and prodcut specific properties.
<rwe>/<workspace>/groups/<group>/etc/ Yes This file contains group specific properties.
<rwe>/<workspace>/ No This file initializes the workspace. Do NOT modify this file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/k8s/<k8s>/bin_sh/ No This file contains internal settings that apply to the Kubernetes component. Do NOT modify this file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/k8s/<k8s>/bin_sh/ Yes This file contains Kubernetes specific settings. The workspace-wide settings can be overriden in this file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/pods/<pod>/bin_sh/ No This file contains internal settings that apply to the pod. Do NOT modify this file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/pods/<pod>/bin_sh/ Yes This file contains pod specific settings. The workspace-wide settings can be overriden in this file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/pods/<pod>/etc/ Yes This file contains pod specific properties.
<rwe>/<workspace>/ Yes This file contains settings that apply to all components in the workspace. Workspaces inherit the settings defined the RWE's file. You can override any of RWE settings in this file. The update_product command updates this file with the product version you selected. These settings can be overriden by each workspace component in their respective file.
<rwe>/<workspace>/workspace.code-workspace Yes This file contains VS Code workspace settings. You can manually edit this file as needed.

Tree Views

The PadoGrid components are dynamically created as you execute PadoGrid commands. You may not see many of the components and their configuration files unless you have created them by running the create_* and open_* commands. The following sections show hierarchical views of the configuration files listed in the previous section.


└── workspaces


├── .archive
├── .jupyter
├── .<product>
├── .rwe
└── <workspace>
    ├── .workspace
    ├── apps
    │   └── <app>
    │       └── bin_sh
    │           ├──
    │           └──
    ├── clusters
    │   └── <cluster>
    │       ├── bin_sh
    │       │   ├──
    │       │   └──
    │       └── etc
    │           └──
    ├── docker
    ├── k8s
    │   └── <k8s>
    │       ├── bin_sh
    │       │   ├──
    │       │   └──
    │       └── etc
    │           └──
    ├── lib
    ├── plugins
    ├── pods
    │   └── <pod>
    │       ├── bin_sh
    │       │   ├──
    │       │   └──
    │       └── etc
    │           └──
    └── workspace.code-workspace

◀️ Multitenancy Best Practices 🔗 Integrated Tools ▶️
















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