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Mosquitto Docker Compose

javapark1 edited this page Feb 21, 2024 · 5 revisions

◀️ Enabling Mosquitto SSL TLS 🔗 MQTT perf_test App ▶️

This page describes how to create a Docker environment and launch a Mosquitto cluster using docker-compose.

❗ You must first install Docker and Docker Compose. See References for download links.

Switch to Mosquitto Cluster

Make sure you switch into the correct Mosquitto cluster before creating a Docker cluster. The create_docker command applies the current cluster settings to the Docker Compose files.

# Create and switch into a Mosquitto cluster
create_cluster -product mosquitto -cluster mymosquitto 
switch_cluster mymosquitto

Create PadoGrid Docker Cluster

Once you are switched into the cluster, run the create_docker command which creates a Docker cluster that is specific to that product.

# Create Mosquitto cluster with 3 members (default) with the default host name prefix, 'broker'.
# You can change the prefix with the -prefix option.
create_docker -cluster edge

By default, the create_docker command adds two (3) Mosquitto brokers (members) in the cluster. You can change the number of brokers using the -count option. For example, the following command adds five (5) brokers.

# Create Mosquitto cluster with five (5) brokers with the default host name prefix, 'broker'. 
create_docker -cluster edge -count 5

Configure the Cluster Environment

cd_docker edge

Edit the .env file as needed.

vi .env

There are four configuration files as follows. Edit them as needed.

Configuration File For
padogrid/etc/mqttv5-client.yaml HaMqttClient
padogrid/etc/simulator.yaml MQTT data feed

The padogrid-mqtt containers are configured with the padogrid/etc/simulator.yaml file for publishing simulated data. Before starting the containers, you can replace or modify this file as needed to generate the desired data.

vi padogrid/etc/simulator.yaml

Start Cluster

cd_docker edge
docker compose up

Run vc_subscribe

If you launched the default cluster, i.e., three (3) brokers, then you can create and run vc_subscribe without the endpoints specified. By default, vc_subscribe creates a virtual cluster comprised of the endpoints tcp://localhost:1883-1885.

The following command listens on data published by the first broker, broker1, or the endpoint, tcp://localhost:18883.

# Subscribe to broker1 - tcp://localhost:1883
vc_subscribe -t edge/broker1/#

To listen on messages from all the brokers, subscribe to edge/#.

# Subscribe to all of the default brokers
vc_subscribe -t edge/#

If you have created cluster with additional brokers, then you can specify the -endpoints option to create a virutal cluster that includes them. For example, the following includes five (5) endpoints.

# Subscribed to five (5) brokers
vc_subscribe -endpoints tcp://localhost:1883-1887 -t edge/#

Run chart_mqtt

The simulator comes in a bundle, which also includes the chart_mqtt command that graphically displays the simulated MQTT data. You can install the bundle as follows.

install_bundle -download -quiet bundle-none-app-simulator

Once installed, change directory to simulator and run the chart_mqtt command as follows.

cd_app simulator/bin_sh
./chart_mqtt -t edge/broker1/sine

The simulator in each padogrid-mqtt container publishes to numerous topics. You can find the topic names from the vc_subscribe output or the simulator.yaml file.

cd_docker edge
cat padogrid/etc/simulator.yaml

Some interesting charts are as follows.

cd_app simulator/bin_sh
./chart_mqtt -t edge/broker1/dampedSineWave
./chart_mqtt -t edge/broker1/circle
./chart_mqtt -t edge/broker1/tanh
./chart_mqtt -t edge/broker1/heartbeat

Like vc_subscribe, chart_mqtt also supports the -endpoints option. The following chart_mqtt command creates a virtual cluster that includes five (5) brokers and displays the circle data published by broker5 that has the endpoint tcp://localhost:1887.

# Both of the following display the same data received from broker5
./chart_mqtt -endpoints tcp://localhost:1883-1887 -t edge/broker5/circle
./chart_mqtt -endpoints tcp://localhost:1887 -t edge/broker5/circle

Run perf_test

If you have launched the default cluster, i.e., three (3) brokers, then you can create and run perf_test as is. If you have changed the cluster endpoints, then you need to set the endpoints for perf_test in the etc/mqttv5-client.yaml file as follows.

cd_app perf_test; cd bin_sh
vi etc/mqttv5-client.yaml

Change the value of serverURIs accordiningly.

          serverURIs: [tcp://localhost:1883-1885]

Run perf_test.

cd bin_sh
./test_group -run


Ctrl-C from the docker compose up command and prune the containers.

docker compose down
docker container prune


  1. If you get the "No space left on device" error when you start docker compose, run the following to free up the disk space.
docker system prune --volumes


  1. Install Docker, ttps://
  2. Install Docker Compose, Docker Compose is now part of the docker command. Before installing docker-compose, check to see if this option exists,
  3. Data Feed Simulator, bundle-none-app-simulator, PadoGrid Bundles,

◀️ Enabling Mosquitto SSL TLS 🔗 MQTT perf_test App ▶️
















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