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Hazelcast OpenShift

Dae Song Park edited this page Jun 26, 2021 · 7 revisions

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Hazelcast on OpenShift using kustomize

PadoGrid includes support for OpenShift by providing a set of Kubernetes configuration files for deploying Hazelcast, Prometheus, custom metrics API, and Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) on OpenShift. The configuration files are to be used with the oc apply -k or kubectl apply -k command.

Initializing Workspace

To follow instructions in this article, you must first install PADOGRID and create a workspace. For example, the following creates the ws-openshift workspace in the ~/padogrid/workspaces/myrwe directory. Make sure to source in the file, which sets the required environment variables that are specific to the workspace you created.

mkdir -p ~/padogrid/workspaces/myrwe
tar -C ~/padogrid/products/ -xzf padogrid_0.9.7-SNAPSHOT
~/padogrid/products/padogrid_0.9.7-SNAPSHOT/bin_sh/create_workspace -workspace ~/padogrid/workspaces/myrwe/ws-openshift
. ~/padogrid/workspaces/myrwe/ws-openshift/

We will be using the $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE environment variable set by throughout this article.


Required Software List

Before you begin, you must first install the following software. See the References section for URIs.

  • Docker
  • openssl (most operating systems have this already installed)
  • oc or kubectl
  • jq (optional)
  • watch (optional)

Creating Kubernetes Environment

In your workspace, create a Kubernetes environment in which we will setup Hazelcast deployment files as follows:

create_k8s -k8s openshift -cluster kustomize_test

The above command creates the following directory with Hazelcast kustomization files. We will be working in this directory throughout this article.

├── bin_sh
│   ├── create_certs
│   └──
└── etc
    ├── custom-metrics
    │   ├── base
    │   ├── custom-metrics-api
    │   ├── metrics-server
    │   ├── overlay-base
    │   ├── overlay-prometheus
    │   └── prometheus
    └── hazelcast
        ├── base
        ├── init
        ├── overlay-base
        ├── overlay-cephfs
        ├── overlay-nfs
        └── storage

Configuring OpenShift Environment

It is assumed that you have access to an OpenShift cluster. The kubectl command is used throughout this article. You can replace it with the oc command, which has the same options used in this article.

Source in the file as follows.

. $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE/k8s/kustomize_test/bin_sh/

We'll use the $HAZELCAST_OPENSHIFT_DIR environment variable set in the file in the subsequent sections.

OpenShift Container Storage

We need a shared storage such as NFS or OCS with accessModes of ReadWriteMany so that we can mount a shared volume in which we can place application jar and configuration files accessible by all the Hazelcast pods. The etc/hazelcast/overlay-cephfs/cephfs-pvc.yaml file has been configured to cephfs of OCS. You can change it another ReadWriteMany storage such as NFS as needed.

Set storageClassName to the your storage class name.

cd_k8s kustomize_test; cd etc
vi hazelcast/overlay-cephfs/cephfs-pvc.yaml

Change the value of storageClassName as needed.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: hazelcast-pv-claim
  namespace: default
  - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 2Gi
  storageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
  volumeMode: Filesystem

Hazelcast Images and License Keys

The Hazelcast cluster images are by default set as follows. You can change the image versions and set license keys in the respective StatefulSet files in the overlay-base directory.

Hazelcast Enterprise

File: hazelcast/overlay-base/statefulset.yaml

Parameter Value
IMAGE hazelcast-enterprise
TAG 3.12.7

Management Center

File: hazelcast/overlay-base/mc-statefulset.yaml

Parameter Value
IMAGE management-center
TAG 3.12.9

Copy Application Library Files to the Storage

We can now upload the application library files to the NFS disk which can be accessed by all Hazelcast containers via the persistence volume claim. To do this, we create a pod that uses the persistence volume claim to access the shared storage.

First, create a pod to which you will mount the disk and create the directory where we'll place the application library files.

kubectl apply -k hazelcast/storage/openshift/cephfs-pod

# Login to the cephfs-pod and create the /var/cephfs/plugins/v1 directory
kubectl exec -it cephfs-pod bash
mkdir -p /var/cephfs/plugins/v1

Copy the PadoGrid Jar files to the shared storage (copy to /var/cephfs/plugins/v1, NOT /data/custom/plugins/v1.)

Hazelcast 3.x:

kubectl cp $PADOGRID_HOME/hazelcast/lib/hazelcast-addon-common-0.9.7-SNAPSHOT.jar cephfs-pod:/var/cephfs/plugins/v1/
kubectl cp $PADOGRID_HOME/hazelcast/lib/v3/hazelcast-addon-core-3-0.9.7-SNAPSHOT.jar cephfs-pod:/var/cephfs/plugins/v1/
kubectl cp $PADOGRID_HOME/hazelcast/plugins/v3/hazelcast-addon-core-3-0.9.7-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar cephfs-pod:/var/cephfs/plugins/v1/

Hazelast 4.x:

kubectl cp $PADOGRID_HOME/hazelcast/lib/hazelcast-addon-common-0.9.7-SNAPSHOT.jar cephfs-pod:/var/cephfs/plugins/v1/
kubectl cp $PADOGRID_HOME/hazelcast/lib/v3/hazelcast-addon-core-4-0.9.7-SNAPSHOT.jar cephfs-pod:/var/cephfs/plugins/v1/
kubectl cp $PADOGRID_HOME/hazelcast/plugins/v3/hazelcast-addon-core-4-0.9.7-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar cephfs-pod:/var/cephfs/plugins/v1/

Now that we have copied jar files to the shared storage, we no longer need the pod. Let's delete the pod.

kubectl delete -k hazelcast/storage/openshift/cephfs-pod

Create Certificates

To use custom metrics, we need to setup TLS certificates. This is done by running the bin_sh/create_certs script which creates and inserts them into the custom-metrics/overlay-base/cm-adapter-serving-certs.yaml file. Please see this script for details.


About Overlay Files

The following files are in the overlay directories so that you can modify them without altering the original files. You can copy other original files into the overlay directories if you need to modify them. If you do copy additional files, make sure to include them in the kustomization.yaml file, also.

Original Dir Overlay Dir File
hazelcast/base hazelcast/overlay-base configmap.yaml
hazelcast/base hazelcast/overlay-base statefulset.yaml
hazelcast/base hazelcast/overlay-base mc-statefulset.yaml
hazelcast/base hazelcast/overlay-base hazelcast-hpa-custom.yaml
hazelcast/base hazelcast/overlay-base hazelcast-hpa-custom.yaml
hazelcast/storage/openshift/cephfs hazelcast/overlay-cephfs cephfs-pvc.yaml
Generated custom-metrics/overlay-base cm-adapter-serving-certs.yaml
custom-metrics/prometheus custom-metrics/overlay-prometheus prometheus-pvc.yaml

Some of these overlay files will be modified in the subsequent sections. Their kustomization.yaml files are shown below for your reference.


kind: Kustomization

- ../base

- configmap.yaml
- mc-pvc.yaml
- statefulset.yaml
- mc-statefulset.yaml
- hazelcast-hpa-custom.yaml


kind: Kustomization

- ../storage/openshift/cephfs

- cephfs-pvc.yaml

Hazelcast Configuration File

The Hazelcast configuration file, configmap.yaml is found in the hazelcast/base. This distribution includes a kustomized version of that file in the the hazelcast/overlay-base directory. It has been preconfigured with PADOGRID domain classes and eviction policies to demonstrate the autoscaler. We have already uploaded the jar files that contain the domain classes in the Copy Application Library Files to the Storage section. You can modify this file as needed to incorporate your own applications.

Deploy Hazelcast and Custom Metrics

We are now ready to deploy Hazelcast and custom metrics to the OpenShift cluster. Up until now, we have been installing and configuring the OpenShift cluster.

# Initialize Kubernetes cluster. This command configures a service account and RBAC.
kubectl apply -k hazelcast/init

# Create persistent volume claim for cephfs.
# (Make sure storageClassName is set to the OCS cephfs before running this command.)
kubectl apply -k hazelcast/overlay-cephfs

# Deploy Hazelcast Enterprise
kubectl apply -k hazelcast/overlay-base

# Deploy custom metrics API and start Prometheus/HPA.
kubectl apply -k custom-metrics/overlay-base
kubectl apply -k custom-metrics/overlay-prometheus

Monitor StatefulSet

You can use the browser (OpenShift Web Console) to monitor the pods and services getting started. The URI has the following form:

From your terminal, you can also monitor the OpenShift objects as follows:

# default namespace
watch kubectl get statefulsets
watch kubectl get pods

# monitoring namespace
watch kubectl get deployments --namespace=monitoring

Directory Overview

The bin_sh directory contains the create_certs script for generating the required secret file with TLS certificates. Make sure to run this script first before running Kubernetes.

The etc directory contains the entire Kubernetes configuration files. Each sub-directory contains kustomization.yaml that includes base directories and resource files for their respective configuration.

The storage/openshift directory contains storage configuration files that are specific to OpenShift. These files create a persistent volume claim used by Hazelcast pods for loading application specific configuration and library files.

The hazelcast/init directory contains initialization files that must first be applied before applying hazelcast/overlay-base which is described below. These files create a service account and RBAC (Role-Based-Access-Control).

The hazelcast/base directory is the base directory that contains all the configuration files for deploying and starting Hazelcast pods.

The hazelcast/overlay-base directory contains configuration files that customize or patch the base files. Note that we also copied the hazelcast-hpa-custom.yaml file into this directory in Quick Start. You can include additional custom metrics in this file to autoscale Hazelcast pods. The Prometheus custom metrics are defined in custom-metrics/custom-metrics-api/custom-metrics-config-map.yaml, which you can also extend to define additional custom metrics.

├── bin_sh
│   ├── create_certs
│   └──
└── etc
    ├── custom-metrics
    │   ├── base
    │   ├── custom-metrics-api
    │   ├── metrics-server
    │   ├── overlay
    │   └── prometheus
    ├── hazelcast
    │   ├── base
    │   ├── init
    │   ├── overlay-base
    │   ├── overlay-cephfs
    │   └── storage
    └── prometheus
        ├── grafana_datasource.yaml
        ├── kustomization.yaml
        ├── prometheus.yaml
        ├── service_account.yaml
        └── service_monitor.yaml

Monitoring Hazelcast


Prometheus runs in the monitoring namespace and the prometheus-lb load balancer service exposes the external IP.

kubectl get svc prometheus-lb -n monitoring


NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)          AGE
prometheus-lb   LoadBalancer   9090:31021/TCP   13m

Use the external IP along with the port number to view Prometheus.

HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler)

You can monitor the HPA using the watch command as follows:

# Watch HPA
watch kubectl describe hpa my-release-hazelcast 

Metrics API

You can also invoke the API to monitor any metrics.

# Watch the on_heap-ratio metric
watch -d 'kubectl get --raw "/apis/*/on_heap_ratio" |jq'

Hazelcast Management Center

Hazelcast Management Center can be viewed via its load balancer on port 8080.

# Get the Management Center loadbalancer service external IP
kubectl get svc my-release-hazelcast-enterprise-mancenter -n default


NAME                                        TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)          AGE
my-release-hazelcast-enterprise-mancenter   LoadBalancer   8080:31000/TCP   20m

Use the load balancer service external IP to view the Management Center from your browser:

Running Client Applications

Client connections to Hazelcast clusters can be achieved in two (2) ways: Dummy Routing and Smart Routing. Dummy Routing (or Dummy Client) makes a connection to a single member in the cluster whereas Smart Routing makes connections to all the members in the cluster. There are pros and cons for each method. Dummy Routing uses the connected member as a proxy to other members providing tighter control to network security at the expense of additional network hops to reach other members. Smart Routing, on the other hand, provides the best performance as the client directly communicates with each member but it does not scale well if there are a large number of members in the cluster and a large number of clients.

For our example, let's create the perf_test client app

create_app -app perf_test

Dummy Routing

To connect to the Hazelcast cluster in Kubernetes via Dummy Routing, we need to expose the IP address of one of the members.

kubectl get svc my-service-0 -n default


NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                              PORT(S)          AGE
my-service-0   LoadBalancer   5701:30000/TCP   13m

Configure the hazelcast-client.xml file as follows.

File: $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE/apps/perf_test/etc/hazelcast-client.xml


Smart Routing

Smart Routing is currently not supported for OpenShift (5/26/2020). This section is provided in case the support becomes available.

To connect to the Hazelcast cluster in Kubernetes via Smart Routing, you need to configure the Kubernetes Discovery Service in your client application.

Get the master URI.

kubectl cluster-info


Kubernetes master is running at

Describe one of the pods to get the secret token needed for connecting external clients to Hazelast.

kubectl describe pod my-release-hazelcast-enterprise-0 | grep token


      /var/run/secrets/ from enterprise-token-dwjwz (ro)
    SecretName:  enterprise-token-dwjwz

Use the token name that starts with the prefix "enterprise-token-" to get api-token and ca-certificate.

# Get api-token
kubectl get secret enterprise-token-dwjwz  -o jsonpath={.data.token} | base64 --decode
# Get ca-certificate
kubectl get secret enterprise-token-dwjwz  -o jsonpath={\\.crt} | base64 --decode

Enter the master URI, encoded token, and certificate in the hazelcast-client.xml file as shown below. Note that the service name is my-service-lb which is created when you applied the configuration files. In the next section, we will configure and run the perf_test client application with these settings to see the autoscaler in action.

File: $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE/apps/perf_test/etc/hazelcast-client.xml

      <kubernetes enabled="true">

Testing Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

With the custom metrics installed, you can automatically scale out or in the Hazelcast cluster running on OpenShift. Kubernetes HPA is responsible for auto-scaling and you can monitor it by executing the following command.

# Monitor HPA.
watch kubectl describe hpa my-release-hazelcast

The following is a screen snapshot:

Name:               my-release-hazelcast
Namespace:          default
Labels:             <none>
adyForNewScale","message":"recommended size...
CreationTimestamp:  Sat, 28 Sep 2019 09:31:17 -0400
Reference:          StatefulSet/my-release-hazelcast-enterprise
Min replicas:       2
Max replicas:       10
StatefulSet pods:   2 current / 2 desired

Auto-Scaling Out

HPA has been configure to auto-scale when the on_heap_ratio metric reaches 850m or 85% of the max heap. You can monitor the following lines displayed by the above command.


When the 'current' value reaches greater than 850m, HPA will add another pod to the cluster.

To test HPA, configure the test_perf's hazelcast-client.xml as described in the Running Client Applications section and run the test_ingestion script as follows:

cd $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE/apps/perf_test/bin_sh
vi ../etc/hazelcast-client.xml

# After hazelcast-client.xml has been configured, run the following command to ingest data
./test_ingestion -run

The test_ingestion script should ingest just enough data into the Hazelcast cluster so that it will increase the on_heap_ratio to above 850m. When HPA autoscales you will see the following output (The pod size is increased from 2 to 3.) If the limit does not go above the threshold value then try running it again.

StatefulSet pods:   3 current / 3 desired

Auto-Scaling In

The test_ingestion script puts data into two maps: eligibility and tx. Both maps have been preconfigured with TTL of 120 seconds so that the ingested data will be discarded and hence freeing memory. You can monitor the maps getting emptied from the Management Center. The default setting for scaling in is 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, you should see HPA removing a pod from the Hazelcast cluster. The TTL settings are defined in the configmap.yaml file as follows:

# $HAZELCAST_OPENSHIFT_DIR/etc/hazelcast/overlay-base/configmap.yaml
          time-to-live-seconds: 120
          time-to-live-seconds: 120

❗ To immediately free the unused heap memory, once the maps are fully evicted (emptied), you may want to click on the Members/member-ip/Run GC button from the Management Center to run full GC on each member.

Tearing Down

# Uninstall custom metrics and Hazelcast
kubectl delete -k custom-metrics/overlay-prometheus
kubectl delete -k custom-metrics/overlay-base
kubectl delete -k hazelcast/overlay-base
kubectl delete -k hazelcast/storage/openshift/cephfs-pod
kubectl delete -k hazelcast/overlay-cephfs
kubectl delete -k hazelcast/init


  1. Install Docker,
  2. Install OC,
  3. Install and Set Up kubectl,
  4. Install kustomize,
  5. Download jq,
  6. Hazelcast Enterprise Helm Charts,
  7. Prometheus Adapter for Kubernetes Metrics APIs,
  8. Querying Prometheus,
  9. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler,
  10. k8s-prom-hpa, Custom Autoscaling Example,

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