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Hazelcast perf_test App

padogrid edited this page Aug 17, 2021 · 9 revisions

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The perf_test app provides Hazelcast client programs to perform the following:

  • Ingest mock data of any size
  • Ingest transactional data of any size
  • Ingest mock data with entity relationships (ER)
  • Ingest mock data directly to databases
  • Simulate complex appliation workflows that invoke Hazelcast operations without coding
  • Measure Hazelcast latencies and throughputs in a multi-threaded user session environment

The perf_test app provides a pair of scripts to ingest and transact mock data for testing Hazelcast throughputs and latencies. It provides a quick way to run your performance tests by configuring a few properties such as the payload size, the number of objects (entries), and the number of worker threads. Out of the box, these properties have already been pre-configured in etc/ and etc/, which you can modify as needed to meet your test criteria.

The perf_test app also includes the test_group script that allows you to configure one or more groups of Hazelcast data structure operations and execute them in sequence and/or in parallel. A group is analogous to a function that makes multiple data structure method calls in the order they are specified in the etc/ file. The etc directory also contains the and files for demonstrating complex workflows that invoke 22 put calls and 22 get calls on 22 different maps. There are also several example group-*.properties files for each data structure. You can also configure the Near Cache in etc/hazelcast-client.xml to measure the improved throughput.

The perf_test app can directly upsert mock data into your database of choice using Hibernate, which automatically creates tables as needed. This capability allows you to quickly synchrnize Hazelcast with your database and perform latency tests.

Transaction Test Cases

All of the transaction test cases are performed on three (3) distributed maps with a simple PBM (Pharmacy Benefit Management) data model that associates the client group number with group members. Simply put, all of the members that belong to a group are co-located in the same Hazelcast partition. This enables each Hazelcast member to complete transactions with their local datasets without encountering additional netowork hops.

Map Description Script
eligibility The eligibility map contains EligKey and Blob entries. EligKey contains core member eligibility information and Blob contains a byte array as as a payload. The byte array size determines the size of the Blob object and it is configurable in etc/ bin_sh/test_ingestion
profile The profile map contains ClientProfileKey and Blob entries. ClientProfileKey contains core client information and Blob as described above. bin_sh/test_ingestion
summary The summary map contains groupNumber and GroupSummary entries. GroupSummary contains the group summary results produced when the tx test case is performed by running the bin_sh/test_tx script. bin_sh/test_tx

Configuration Files

The following table describes a list of preconfigured properties files in the etc/ directory.

Properties File Description Defines properties for ingesting data into the eligibility and profile maps. Defines properties for performing transactions. Defines properties for performing groups of IMap method calls. Dfines properties for making 22 put calls on 22 different maps in a single group. Defines properties for making 22 get calls on 22 different maps in a single group. Note that before invoking this file, must be invoked first to ingest data. Defines properties for ICache (JCache) operations. Unlike other, data structures, ICache requires you to first configure the cluster with the caches that you want to test before running the test_group script. Defines properties for IQueue operations. Defines properties for ReplicatedMap operations. Defines properties for ReliableTopic operations. Defines properties for ITopic operations. Defines properties for ingesting mock data. Defines properties for ingesting mock data with entity relationships.

You can introduce your own test criteria by modifying the properties the above files or supply another properties file by specifying the -prop option of the scripts described below.


The bin_sh/ directory contains the following scripts. By default, these scripts simply prints the configuration information obtained from the etc/ file. To run the test cases, you must specify the -run option.

Script Description
test_ingestion Displays or runs data ingestion test cases (putall or put) specified in the etc/ file. It ingests mock data into the eligibility and profile maps.
test_tx Displays or runs transaction and query test cases specified in the etc/ file. It runs get, getall, tx test cases specified in the file.
test_group Displays or runs group test cases (set, put, putall, get, getall). A group represents a function that executes one or more Hazelcast IMap operations.

Script Usages


./test_ingestion -?

   test_ingestion [-run] [-prop <properties-file>] [-?]

   Displays or runs data ingestion test cases specified in the properties file.
   The default properties file is

       -run              Run test cases.

       -failover         Configure failover client using the following config file:

       <properties-file> Optional properties file path.

   To run the the test cases, specify the '-run' option. Upon run completion, the results
   will be outputted in the following directory:


./test_tx -?

   test_tx [-run] [-failover] [-prop <properties-file>] [-?]

   Displays or runs transaction and query test cases specified in the properties file.
   The default properties file is

       -run              Run test cases.

       -failover         Configure failover client using the following config file:

       <properties-file> Optional properties file path.

   To run the the test cases, specify the '-run' option. Upon run completion, the results
   will be outputted in the following directory:


./test_group -?

   test_group [-run|-list] [-db|-delete] [-prop <properties-file>] [-?]

   Displays or runs group test cases specified in the properties file.
   A group represents a function that executes one or more Hazelcast IMap
   operations. This program measures average latencies and throughputs
   of group (or function) executions.
   The default properties file is

       -run              Runs test cases.

       -list             Lists data structures and their sizes.

       -db               Runs test cases on database instead of Hazelcast. To use this
                         option, each test case must supply a data object factory class
                         by specifying the 'factory.class' property and Hibernate must
                         be configured by running the 'build_app' command.

       -delete           Deletes (destroys) all the data structures pertaining to the group
                         test cases that were created in the Hazelcast cluster. If the '-run'
                         option is not specified, then it has the same effect as the '-list'
                         option. It only lists data strcutures and their without deleting them.

       -failover         Configure failover client using the following config file:

       <properties-file> Optional properties file path.

   To run the the test cases, specify the '-run' option. Upon run completion, the results
   will be outputted in the following directory:

   ICache requires explicit configuration. It will fail if you run it without first configuring
   the cluster with caches.

MapStorePkDbImpl (Database Integration)

padogrid includes a generic DB addon, org.hazelcast.addon.cluster.MapStorePkDbImpl, that can read/write from/to a database. This primary-key-based DB addon maps your Hibernate entity objects to database tables. To use the plugin, the primary key must be part of the entity object annotated with Hibernate's @Id. The following is a snippet of the Order object included in padogrid.

@Table(name = "orders")
public class Order implements VersionedPortable, Comparable<Order>
    @Column(length = 20)
	private String orderId;
	@Column(length = 20)
	private String customerId;
	@Column(length = 20)
	private String employeeId;
	private Date orderDate;

perf_test is equipped with a test harness to experiment the MapStorePkDbImpl addon. It comes with MySQL and PostgreSQL Hibernate configuration files. If you have a different database or JDBC driver then you can include it in the pom.xml file.



To use MapStorePkDbImpl, you must first build the environment by executing the build_app script as shown below. This script runs Maven to download the dependency files into the $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE/lib directory, which is included in CLASSPATH for all the apps and clusters running in the workspace.


Upon successful build, you must also configure the cluster in hazelcast.xml file as follows:

# Edit hazelcast.xml
vi $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE/clusters/<your-cluster>/etc/hazelcast.xml

Add the following in the hazelcast.xml file. Make sure to add for serialization as it is needed by MapStorePkDbImpl in the cluster to deserialize the Portable objects, Customer and Order.

			<portable-factory factory-id="10000">
            <portable-factory factory-id="1">
	<map name="nw/customers">
		<map-store enabled="true" initial-mode="EAGER">
				<property name="entity.class"></property>
				<property name="entity.load.limit">1000</property>
				<property name="entity.load.batch.size">100</property>
				<property name="entity.db.isRead">true</property>
				<property name="entity.db.isWrite">true</property>
				<property name="entity.db.isDelete">false</property>
	<map name="nw/orders">
		<map-store enabled="true" initial-mode="EAGER">
				<property name="entity.class"></property>
				<property name="entity.load.limit">1000</property>
				<property name="entity.load.batch.size">100</property>
				<property name="entity.db.isRead">true</property>
				<property name="entity.db.isWrite">true</property>
				<property name="entity.db.isDelete">false</property>

The above configures the nw/customers and nw/orders maps to store and load data to/from the database. The database can be configured in the cluster's hibernate.cfg.xml file as follows:

# Edit hibernate.cfg.xml
vi $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE/clusters/<your-cluster>/etc/hibernate.cfg-mysql.xml
vi $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE/clusters/<your-cluster>/etc/hibernate.cfg-postresql.xml

The following is the hibernate.cfg-mysql.xml file provided by padogrid. Make sure to replace the database information with your database information.

		<!-- JDBC Database connection settings -->
		<property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver</property>
		<property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/nw?useSSL=false</property>
		<property name="connection.username">root</property>
		<property name="connection.password">password</property>
		<!-- JDBC connection pool settings ... using built-in test pool -->
		<property name="connection.pool_size">10</property>
		<!-- Select our SQL dialect -->
		<property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect</property>
		<!-- Echo the SQL to stdout -->
		<property name="show_sql">true</property>
		<!-- Set the current session context -->
		<property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property>
		<!-- Update the database schema on startup -->
		<property name="">update</property>
		<!-- dbcp connection pool configuration -->
		<property name="hibernate.dbcp.initialSize">5</property>
		<property name="hibernate.dbcp.maxTotal">20</property>
		<property name="hibernate.dbcp.maxIdle">10</property>
		<property name="hibernate.dbcp.minIdle">5</property>
		<property name="hibernate.dbcp.maxWaitMillis">-1</property>
		<property name="hibernate.connection.serverTimezone">UTC</property>
        <!-- Disable the second-level cache -->
		<property name="cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.internal.NoCacheProvider</property>
		<mapping class="" />
		<mapping class="" />

The Hibernate configuration file path must be provided before you start the cluster. Edit the cluster's file and include the path as follows:

vi $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE/clusters/<your-cluster>/bin_sh/

# Set JAVA_OPTS in
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dhazelcast-addon.hibernate.config=$CLUSTER_DIR/etc/hibernate.cfg-mysql.xml"

You can now run the cluster.

# After making the above changes, start the cluster
start_cluster -cluster <cluster-name>

Once the cluster is up, you are ready to run the test_group script to insert Customer and Order entity objects in to the cluster and database. Run the script as follows:

./test_group -prop ../etc/ -run

You can reconfigure to add more data, threads, etc.


Upon successful run, the test results are outputted in the results/ directory. The following shows an example.

cat ../results/ingestion-profile-190630-151618_x.txt
Data Ingestion Test

                   Test Case: putall
                         Map: profile
           PutAll Batch Size: 100
              Test Run Count: 1
   Total Entry Count Per Run: 10000
                Thread Count: 16
        Payload Size (bytes): 10240
                      Prefix: x
      Entry Count per Thread: 625

Start Time: Sun Jun 30 15:16:18 EDT 2019

Actual Total Entry (Put) Count: 10000

Time unit: msec
   Thread 1: 660
   Thread 2: 664
   Thread 3: 664
   Thread 4: 664
   Thread 5: 662
   Thread 6: 658
   Thread 7: 662
   Thread 8: 662
   Thread 9: 660
   Thread 10: 664
   Thread 11: 662
   Thread 12: 656
   Thread 13: 655
   Thread 14: 653
   Thread 15: 653
   Thread 16: 651

        Max time (msec): 664
   Throughput (msg/sec): 15060.240
  *Throughput (KiB/sec): 150602.409
  *Throughput (MiB/sec): 147.072
 Latency per put (msec): 0.066
   **Total Volume (MiB): 100000
   **Total Volume (MiB): 97.656
   **Total Volume (GiB): 0.095
   Payload Size (bytes): 10240

 * Throughput does not take the keys into account.
   The actual rate is higher.
** Total Volume do not take the keys into account.
   The actual volume is higher.

Stop Time: Sun Jun 30 15:16:18 EDT 2019

Inserting and Updating Database Tables

The group_test -db command directly loads mock data into database tables without connecting to Hazelcast. You can use this command to pre-populate the database before testing database synchronization tests in Hazelcast. This command is also useful for testing the CDC use case in which database changes are automacally ingested into Hazelcast via a CDC product such as Debezium ansd Striim.

# Edit to set the correct hibernate configuration file.

By default, is configured with hibernate.cfg-mysql.xml. Change it to another if you are using a different database. Please see the etc directory for all the available database configuration files. If your database is not listed, then you can create one by copying one of the hibernate-* files and specifying that file name in the file.

Make sure to set the correct database user name and password in the Hibernate configuration file.

# Hibernate
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dhazelcast-addon.hibernate.config=$APP_ETC_DIR/hibernate.cfg-mysql.xml"

Run test_group -db.

./test_group -db -run -prop ../etc/

Generating Entity Relationships (ER)

If you want to add entity relationships to your data, then you can implement DataObjectFactory. or extend AbstractDataObjectFactory and pass the object key to the createEntry() method using the property. The perf_test app includes an ER example that creates one-to-many ER between Customer and Order objects by setting Customer.customerId to Order.customerId while ingesting mock data. Please see org.hazelcast.demo.nw.impl.OrderFactoryImpl for details. You can run the example as follows:

./test_group -run -prop ../etc/

The ER capbility provides you a quick way to ingest co-located data into Hazelcast and test server-side operations that take advatange of data affinity.

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