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Hazelcast Minikube on WSL

Dae Song Park edited this page Sep 23, 2020 · 7 revisions

◀️ Hazelcast Minikube 🔗 Hazelcast Minishift/CDK ▶️

This article provides installation steps for setting up kubectl in Windows 10 WSL with bash auto-completion to deploy Hazelcast. The steps described here are for Hyper-V and Docker Desktop.

  1. Install Docker Dekstop for Windows

  2. Install WSL and kube tools as described in the link below.

  1. PowerShell: Install Minikube

  1. PowerShell: Start Minikube
minikube start --extra-config=kubelet.authentication-token-webhook=true --memory 5120 --cpus 4 --vm-driver hyperv
  1. PowerShell: Start Minikube Dashboard

IMPORTANT: Make sure to start the dashboard at this time before taking the next step. You may not be able to start the dashboard otherwise.

minikube dashboard
  1. WSL: Configure kubectl

Minikube installed on Windows has Windows paths for the certificate files. To get the Minikube address and port number, execute the following:

kubectl config view

You need to execute the following to change the paths in the Unix form.

kubectl config set-cluster minikube --server=https://<minikube-ip>:<port> --certificate-authority=/c/Users/<windows-user-name>/.minikube/ca.crt
kubectl config set-credentials minikube --client-certificate=/c/Users/<windows-user-name>/.minikube/client.crt --client-key=/c/Users/<windows-user-name>/.minikube/client.key
kubectl config set-context minikube --cluster=minikube --user=minikube
kubectl config view
kubectl config use-context minikube
kubectl get nodes

❗ Note that the PadoGrid's k8s component includes path conversion scripts for your convenience. You do not need to execute the above commands individually.

The above commands are referenced from the following link:

  1. WSL: Deploy Hazelcast container
# Create TLS certificates for the Prometheus custom metrics API adapter

# Configure a service account and RBAC
kubectl apply -k hazelcast/init/

# Create static persistent volume where we will store addon jar files
kubectl apply -k hazelcast/storage/minikube/
  1. Powershell: Create Shared Directory
# Login to the host and create a directory on the persistent volume
# and upload the addon jar files
minikube ssh
sudo mkdir -p /data/custom/plugins/v1
sudo chmod -R 777 /data
# Change password to docker
sudo passwd docker

# Get minikube ip which will be used in the next step
minikube ip
  1. WSL: Deploy Hazelcast
# Upload addon jar files to the minikube host.
scp $PADOGRID_HOME/lib/v3/* $PADOGRID_HOME/plugins/v3/* docker@<minikube-ip>:/data/custom/plugins/v1/

# Copy base files to the overlay directory. These files will be modified.
cp hazelcast/base/statefulset.yaml hazelcast/overlay-base/
cp hazelcast/base/mc-statefulset.yaml hazelcast/overlay-base/

# Copy HPA metrics file to the overly directory also. You can add other
# metrics to autoscale as needed.
cp hazelcast/base/hazelcast-hpa-custom.yaml hazelcast/overlay-base/

# Enter your Hazelcast Enterprise liense key in both statefulset.yaml and mc-statefulset.yaml.
vi hazelcast/overlay-base/statefulset.yaml
vi hazelcast/overlay-base/mc-statefulset.yaml

# Deploy Hazelcast.
kubectl apply -k hazelcast/overlay-base/

# Deploy custom metrics API and start Prometheus/HPA
kubectl apply -k custom-metrics/overlay-base/

# Monitor HPA.
watch kubectl describe hpa my-release-hazelcast

Kubernetes API Changes

Note that if you are using a Kubernetes version older than v1.16 then you will need to use the apps/v1beta2 version for Prometheus. You can make the changes in the following file:

vi custom-metrics/prometheus/prometheus-dep.yaml

# Change apps/v1 to apps/v1beta2 only if your Kubernetes version is older than v1.16.
apiVersion: apps/v1beta2

See Kubernetes API change details in the following link:

Troubleshooting Guide

Executing minikube dashboard gets stuck with the following message:

* Verifying dashboard health ...

Solution: This is due to the WSL Minikube file paths set in one of the above steps. You can set the paths using kubectl.exe from PowerShell or reinstall Minikube and make sure to execute minikue dashboard before configuring kubectl in WSL.

To configure paths from PowerShell:

kubectl.exe config set-cluster minikube --server=https://<minikube-ip>:<port> --certificate-authority=c:\Users\<windows-user-name>\.minikube\ca.crt
kubectl.exe config set-credentials minikube --client-certificate=c:\Users\<windows-user-name>\.minikube\client.crt --client-key=c:\Users\<windows-user-name>\.minikube\client.key
kubectl.exe config set-context minikube --cluster=minikube --user=minikube
kubectl.exe config view
kubectl.exe config use-context minikube
kubectl.exe get nodes

I'm unable to delete Minikube by executing minikube delete.

Solution: Stop and delete Minkube from Hyper-V Manager.

minikube delete
erase C:\Users\<user>\.minikube\config\config.json 
minikube start --extra-config=kubelet.authentication-token-webhook=true --memory=5120 --cpus=4 --vm-driver=virtualbox

◀️ Hazelcast Minikube 🔗 Hazelcast Minishift/CDK ▶️
















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