Project for analyzing vk posts saved by vk_public_saver
- Show statistics about likes, reposts, views, comments, ads and attachments;
- Show top posts - by likes, reposts, views, comments, attachments and text length;
- Show count of posts without texts, likes, reposts, comments and attachments;
- Show count of each known attachment types;
- Show polls data - polls' count, votes, average, median, mode and stdev;
- Show top polls sorted by votes;
- Show authors info - count of posts, likes, reposts, comments, views, attachments and text length;
- Find top words and hashtags;
- Draw plots with posts, likes, reposts, comments, views, attachments and text length data;
- Build word cloud;
- Show topics with LDA model (Latent Dirichlet allocation);
- Make output images and csv-files.
This tool uses Python 3 so you need to have Python 3 and pip for build and run it. To install them use instructions for your OS.
It also needs extra libraries such as nltk, pymystem3, numpy, pillow, wordcloud, matplotlib, tabulate, argparse, gensim, stop_words. This program has file requirements.txt with list of it's requirements. For install them call pip. For example:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user
vk_public_analyzer uses sqlite databases saved by vk_public_saver. Don't forget to get data for analysis before usage!
vk_public_analyzer is a console tool. To run it type:
There are some extra modes:
usage: vk_public_analyzer [-h] [--path PATH] [--clear_output] [--about]
Tool for analyzing publics' data from
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path PATH Database path (default = data.db)
--clear_output Clear output folder
--about Show about info
After processing database this tool will create 'output/PUBLIC_ID' folder with all data - csv-files and png images. The tool will also print all text data to standard output.
The output folder contains these files:
common.csv - statistics about likes, reposts, views, comments, ads and attachments:
extremum_*.csv - top posts by likes, reposts, views, comments, attachments and text length:
zeroes.csv - count of posts without texts, likes, reposts, comments and attachments;
authors.csv - authors statistics - count of posts, likes, reposts, comments, views, attachments and text length;
attachments.csv - count of each known attachment types;
common_polls.csv - polls' count, votes, average, median, mode and stdev;
polls.csv - polls sorted by votes;
top_words.csv - top words;
allwords.png, topwords.png, hashtags.png - word clouds with all words, top words and hashtags;
topics_*.csv, topics.csv - topics made with LDA model;
topics_*.png, topics.png - plot with topics made with LDA model;
years.png, months.png, weekdays.png, quarters.png, hours.png - plots with posts, likes, reposts, comments, views, attachments and text length data.
So now you have a lot of interesting data to interpret it :-)
Here you can read example of data interpretation (in Russian).
If you like this project you can:
- Tell your friends about it;
- Star and fork this project on github -;
- Contribute;
- Write an article about this project;
- Use it in your own project;
- Donate:
This tool uses some apps and packages. I'd like to thank:
- Yandex Mystem - tool for lemmatizing Russian texts;
- nltk - toolkit for processing natural languages;
- pymystem3 - Python wrapper for Yandex Mystem;
- numpy - package for scientific computing;
- pillow - Python Imaging Library;
- wordcloud - package for making word clouds;
- matplotlib - package for making plots;
- tabulate - package for printing tables;
- argparse - package for parsing command line args;
- gensim - package for text models;
- stop_words - package with list of stop words.
You are welcome to open new issue if you have any questions, suggestions or bugs.
This program uses MIT license. For more information see the LICENSE file.