A status tracking object. The library was inspired by the Status library found in the core library of Google's Tensorflow and gRPC and protocol buffer repos.
Condit is a status tracking type. Libraries and software developers often return different integers (-1, 0, 1) to track the status of a binary. However, that doesn't provide any useful information to a developer trying to debug a broken binary. The Status object packages two pieces of information: a program state and a description of that state.
Condit is a C++ library that provides two types: Status and StatusOr which helps you write more defensive programs. A lot of legacy code often returns an integer to track the state of a binary. However, integers aren't that clear of an indicator of error. Condit attempts to provide a type that makes debugging and error handling clearer.
Status SomeComputation(const double& result, int x, int y) {
if (!IsInputValid(x) || !IsInputValid(y)) {
return InvalidStatus("Input is invalid");
result = x + y;
return OkStatus();
StautsOr<Server*> StartServer(int port) {
// Do stuff
if (!status_of_computation_from_before.IsOk()) {
std::cerr << "An error occurred, check logs\n";
return status_of_computation_from_before;
return new_port;
StatusOr<Server*> server_or_status = StartServer(0);
if (!server_or_status.IsOk()) {
log << "Error: " << server_or_status.GetStatus();
return -1;
Server* s = server_or_status.GetValue();
std::cout << "Serving at port " << s->PortNumber();
or if you wish to use ASSIGN_OR_RETURN...
ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(Server* s, StartServer(port));
$ git clone https://github.com/samiurkh1n/Condit
$ git submodule update --init --recursive # To get all third party dependencies
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
Testing on Linux:
# if you want to run tests
$ ./tests/status_test
$ ./tests/status_or_test
Testing on Windows: CMake should've generated an ALL_BUILD solution file. Open that with Visual Studio and run the Debug build of any desired target with an executable.
The project is under the Apache License. Please read LICENSE for more information.
Check out the documentation in the header files located in the include directory.
My email is samiurkh1n@gmail.com. Email me if you would like to contribute or if you see something off with the documentation, code, anything...