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hartytp edited this page Mar 7, 2019 · 1 revision

venue: google hangout

people in conversation:

  • Anna Kaminska (AK)
  • Greg Kasprowicz (GK)
  • Robert Jordens (RJ)
  • Tom Harty (TPH)
  • Joe Britton (JB)
  • Sebastien Bourdeauducq (SB)


  • Paweł Kulik (PK)

minutes: Tom Harty


  1. Accept previous minutes:
  2. Progress on power supply issues, AFCZ tests adequate?
  3. Status of M-Labs stub port of ARTIQ for Sayma v2.0, M-Labs v2.0 sign off
  4. DAC clock PLL a) HMC830 sign off b) active loop filter
  5. timing FPGA on Metlino
  6. schedule next meeting, MC and minutes
  7. review meeting quality.


  1. minutes from previous meeting accepted unanimously
  2. Exar chip
  • GK's had similar issues with this particular Exar chip in other designs
  • GK's had enough of this chip and will substitute if for a simpler LTC/ADI SMPS (same model currently used without issue on Sayma RTM)
  • new chip doesn't have all the diagnostics provided by the Exar, although so far the Exar diagnostics haven't been much use to us
  1. stub port
  • AMC port complete, no serious issues found
  • RTM port in progress, but requires final schematics and net lists from Greg to complete
  1. DAC PLL
  • all happy with HMC830
  • Thomas Harty to post active loop filter topology. Default population options will keep the same loop filter used in Sayma v1.2
  1. Timing FPGA
  • agree to use external DFF instead of a timing FPGA. Need to think a little about S/H violations between the DFF and FPGA
  1. next meeting scheduled for Mon 11th March at 14:00 UTC. SB to be MC, PK to take minutes
  2. All happy with meeting quality
  3. Other business I: time line
  • agreed that we need to sign off on and Sayma schematics asap so the design can be frozen and handed over to creotech
  • GK promised to finish AMC on Tuesday and aim to finish RTM by end of week
  1. design reviews/sign-off:
  • Creotech leading design review
  • JB to recirculate a document with a list of responsibilities for sign-off/review
  • RJ: M-Labs will review and sign-off on the items included in their quote.
  • Need to make sure that Creotech know what M-Labs are reviewing so that nothing gets missed
  1. Misc:
  • TPH asked Creotech to confirm that they will test all Sayma cards in a rack before shipping to users. AK said that was already the plan
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