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REST APIs documented and sensible

Build automatically documented REST APIs with the Pyramid framework.

This library is available on the Python package index under the project name rapids:

@rapids.decorators.resource('', None)
class Root(rapids.resources.Base):

@pyramid.view.view_config(context=Root, rapids='')
def root_view(resource, request):
    return pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()

@rapids.decorators.resource('foo', Root)
class Foo(rapids.resources.Base):

@pyramid.view.view_defaults(context=Foo, rapids='')
class FooView:
    def __init__(self, resource, request):

    def _get_view(self):
        return pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPOk()

    def _post_view(self):
        return pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPCreated()

This project makes extensive use of tox, pytest, and GNU Make.

Use following command to create a Python virtual environment with all necessary dependencies:

tox --recreate -e develop

This creates a Python virtual environment in the .tox/develop directory. It can be activated with the following command:

. .tox/develop/bin/activate

In a Python virtual environment run the following command:

make review

Outside of a Python virtual environment run the following command:

tox --recreate

In a Python virtual environment run the following command:

make package

Outside of a Python virtual environment run the following command:

tox --recreate -e package