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Tekton Pipeline release v0.20.0 "Himalayan Haro"

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@tekton-robot tekton-robot released this 13 Jan 14:43

πŸŽ‰ Improved custom tasks, task status variable πŸŽ‰

-Docs @ v0.20.0
-Examples @ v0.20.0

Installation one-liner

kubectl apply -f

Upgrade Notices

Tekton v0.20.0 requires Kubernetes 1.17+ to run.



  • ✨ Allow custom tasks to use workspaces, service accounts, pod templates (#3660)

Allow custom tasks to use workspaces, service accounts, and pod templates

  • ✨ access execution status of any task in finally (#3390)

Introducing a variable $(tasks..status) to access execution status of any non finally pipelineTask in finally.


  • πŸ› Change leader-election RBAC to be namespaced (#3639)

The tekton-pipelines-webhook-leaderelection and tekton-pipelines-controller-leaderelection ClusterRoleBindings have been changed to RoleBindings, and the tekton-pipelines-leader-election ClusterRole has been changed to a Role.

  • πŸ› Fix broken link in doc (#3634)
  • πŸ› Fix bug where PipelineRun emits task results that were never produced (#3472)

Fix bug where PipelineRun emits task results that were never produced. Previously a Pipeline Result that contained an invalid variable would be added to the PipelineRun with that unreplaced variable intact. Now a Pipeline Result that contains an invalid variable will not be emitted by the PipelineRun at all.

  • πŸ› Fix the publish task (#3683)


  • πŸ”¨ Remove creds-init image from build and deploy (#3665)

The creds-init helper image is no longer part of Pipelines' build. The image has not been in use for several releases.

  • πŸ”¨ Remove v1beta1 from possible AdmissionReview versions (#3640)

  • πŸ”¨ Tekton Pipelines Topical Ownership (#3662)

  • πŸ”¨ Revert "Revert "Add a "dropNetworking" function and unit tests to the… (#3616)

  • πŸ”¨ Revert "Add a "dropNetworking" function and unit tests to the runner package (#3613)

  • πŸ”¨ Add a "dropNetworking" function and unit tests to the runner package. (#3582)

  • πŸ”¨ build: run ko resolve on build presubmit πŸ™ƒ (#3621)

Run ko resolve during PR to ensure we are catching any multi-arch problem early

  • πŸ”¨ Bump knative to release-0.20 (#3605)

Updating to release-0.20. This bumps the minimum supported version of kuberenetes to 0.17

  • πŸ”¨ Add a "set -e" to the dind-sidecar test script. (#3629)
  • πŸ”¨ Update go-containerregistry from v0.1.3 to v0.2.1. (#3628)
  • πŸ”¨ Remove creds-init image from release/nightly pipelines (#3674)
  • πŸ”¨ examples/tests: fix yq task (#3658)
  • πŸ”¨ Add Jerop as an owner πŸŽ‰ (#3620)
  • πŸ”¨ Run controller and webhook also as non-root group. Drop capabilities. (#3611)
  • πŸ”¨ Fix integration test failures in dind. (#3632)


  • πŸ“– Update docs on termination message size to correctly reflect k8s info (#3680)

Fixed error in developer doc on the maximum size of the termination message.

  • πŸ“– fix typo in a parameter of the v1beta1 example (#3642)
  • πŸ“– Improve documentation around variable behaviour and gotchas (#3636)

Add a doc describing how to safely use variables in script blocks of tasks without eval'ing their contents

  • πŸ“– Add SYSTEM_NAMESPACE introduction in test README (#3633)
  • πŸ“– Add v0.19.0 to the README (#3615)
  • πŸ“– Updates to the HA document (#3599)

Update document, to highlight the usage of buckets for the HA solution in the pipeline controller.

  • πŸ“– Fix missing "s" in pod template docs (#3622)
  • πŸ“– Add some more release process details πŸ€“ (#3614)


Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.20.0!

Extra shout-out for awesome release notes:

Unsorted PR List

To Be Done: Deprecation Notices, Backward Incompatible Changes