Episodic was created for the sole purpose of demonstrating experience with certain technologies and patterns. It began as an abridged version of an application I helped build for a client of my employer, but distinguishes itself enough to have become a spiritual successor in some regards. In any event, the themes used in Episodic were exercised as a way to make it unique, but it serves no practical purpose beyond demonstration.
Episodic lets users share reviews for episodic Anime releases. The idea being that it could be adapted into a platform where users can share their excitement and passion for a current series while exploring the merits of a given show with broadened perspective. Users can also share facts about themselves which can later be used to explore potential correlations between reviews and reviewer.
Episodic currently has four views / web pages: "Trends", "Review Form", "Review History", and "Reviewer Metadata". Screenshots and descriptions for each view can be found in the Screenshots section below.
- React.js
- JavaScript (ES6)
- Python
- PostgreSQL
- PL/pgSQL
- Material UI
- AWS Lambda
- AWS API Gateway
- AWS Amplify
Known issues and future improvements can be found here: https://github.com/theodoremoreland/Episodic/projects/1
Users can view a dashboard for each series.
Users can submit reviews for an episode here.
The form (and React state) reset upon submission thus allowing successive submissions without reloading.
User can view and download all review submissions here.
This gif was captured with the application's old design, but the functionality remains the same.