This is just to share my vim settings and bundles I'm currently using on my journey of a progressing vimification. The stack of vim plugins is mainly targeted at web development with Angularjs, Coffescript, Jade, Stylus and using Brunch as a build system.
The .vimrc is structured into the respective settings sections and is rather self-explanatory. The settings cover basically development in Coffescript, VALA, and Python.
- ag-vim: excellent integration of ag
- auto-pairs: inserts and deletes brackets, parens and quotes in pairs
- gundo: Graph your Vim undo tree in style
- nerdtree: Easily explore your file system
- airline: Lean & mean status/tabline for Vim
- vim-brunch: Integration of Brunch build system into Vim
- vim-coffee-script: CoffeeScript for Vim - indenting, syntax, compiling
- vim-jade: Syntax highlighting for Jade templates
- vim-stylus: Syntax highlighting for Stylus
- vim-fugitive: git integration into Vim
- YouCompleteMe: code completion engine for Vim
- vim-multiple-cursors: Great implementation of Sublime Text multiple selections for Vim