An example of using es6 modules in an Ember app served by Rails.
May 23, 2014 - Ruby
Ember is a JavaScript framework that uses a Component <-> Service approach to building applications. It is mainly used to build web-based applications, but can also be ported over to build desktop applications.
An example of using es6 modules in an Ember app served by Rails.
A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
A web application built to help individuals find affordable housing.
A discourse plugin that allow users to give feedback each other
A project management tool built in Rails and Ember.js
A discourse plugin for accepting donations via Stripe
A web app for climbers to make a competitive game out of climbing with their friend. Built with Rails and EmberJS
Matches gym partners based on schedule, location, and interests using augmented interval trees and Jaccard indices
Allow users to purchase access to a user group on Discourse.
This is the V2 version of Twit-arr, a social communications server for the JoCo Cruise. It is discontinued.
A chat app using Rails and Ember.js
ember-cli-rails + jsonapi-resources + todomvc
an app engine for your business. Seamlessly implement business logic with a powerful API. Out of the box CMS, blog, forum and email functionality. Developer friendly & easily extendable for your next SaaS/XaaS project. Built with Rails 6, Devise, Sidekiq & PostgreSQL
Flaredown web app and API
Created by Yehuda Katz
Released December 8, 2011