We live in a solar system which inbuild have lots of mysteries in it. Here i created one virtually solar system using HTML,CSS,JS,SAAS etc. using these technology i try to create these .
Jun 21, 2023 - SCSS
HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, was primarily designed to provide a means of creating structured scientific documents. HTML can embed scripting languages such as PHP or JavaScript to affect the behavior and content of web pages. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) maintains both the HTML and CSS standards.
We live in a solar system which inbuild have lots of mysteries in it. Here i created one virtually solar system using HTML,CSS,JS,SAAS etc. using these technology i try to create these .
A responsive photography portfolio website created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Sass would showcase a photographer's work in a visually stunning and easy-to-navigate format.I am really proud to have made this website by myself as it took me a lot of time to implement.
Test Assignment: "Welbex" - adaptive and responsive layout with flexbox, grid and BEM (SCSS, HTML, JS, BEM)
Frontend Mentor - Huddle Landing Page
This repository contains the code for a landing page with custom JavaScript animations and functionality. The landing page showcases various animations and interactive elements, all implemented using pure JavaScript without the use of any third-party libraries.first step project
This is a basic responsive html-css website with little javascript for making the website more responsive. I have developed this website with help of tutorial. By developing this i have understood the basic`s of HTML & how to sytle HTML elements with CSS making it more attractive to user.
Fdelivery is food delivery website built using Html, SCSS and JavaScript
The bookmark manager landing page is a powerful tool that allows users to efficiently organize and manage their bookmarks. With its intuitive design and user-friendly interface, users can easily save, categorize, and access their favorite websites or online resources.
Repositório destinado ao Website do portfólio de projetos
Site desenvolvido com intuido de treinar e melhorar conceitos
Frontend Mentor - Four Card Feature Section
Tela de login responsiva utilizando HTML e CSS.
Created by Tim Berners-Lee
Released June 1993