Online store for a company that manufactures candles, scents and other items created in ASP.NET
Nov 13, 2023 - JavaScript
Microsoft's SQL Server is a suite of relational database management system (RDBMS) products providing multi-user database access functionality. It originated from the Sybase SQL Server 4.x codebase and Transact-SQL dialect (t-sql), but it has forked significantly since then.
SQL Server is available in multiple versions (typically identified by release year), each of which are subdivided into editions to distinguish between product functionality. The latest released version is SQL Server 2019 which was released on November 4th, 2019.
Online store for a company that manufactures candles, scents and other items created in ASP.NET
A simple CRUD operation on a single Table using ASP.NET Web API as a server and ASP.NET MVC as a client
This is the client side of ReadWise Platform which is deployed on Azure
Murat Yücedağ tatil seyahat sitesi . Asp net ile geliştirilmiştir. Mvc yapısını ve birçok yapıyı öğrendim.
Yeni kurul oluşturulması ve mevcutların takibinin yapılması.
A resource and guideline system about study abroad. A project designed and developed for sharing resources and information about study abroad.
A Conference Management Portal for students at IITJ
It is based on mvc.. Hospital Management System provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced administration & control, superior patient care, strict cost control and improved profitability.
In this repo, I am going to share with you chatapp integrate and use SignalR with ASP.NET MVC
Requirement Management System using ASP.NET MVC with MSSQL DB to manage clients' requirements efficiently and track project progress.
An application for general company management
Projede MSSQL (Store Prosedure, function) ve .Net Framework 4x(Back End) kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca Front End tarafında hazır boostrap template ve angularJS kullanılarak server tarafı ile iletişim sağlanmıştır. İstekler restFUL API mantığı ile tasarlanarak arayüzlerinde servislere istek göndererek JSON datası ile işlem görmeleri sağlanmıştır. İsteni…
Dinamik cv projesi aspnet ile geliştirilmişir.
An E-Commerce Web App using Spring Boot, ViteJS.
I aimed to produce sustainable software by adhering to coding principles and writing techniques. I am building a structure for development. Within the project, there are six layers with web api - web. I intend to add the mobile layer in the future.