A Discord library for JVM Kotlin, designed to be simple, concise, and easy to use. It is implemented entirely in pure Kotlin, with as few external libraries as possible.
Enclave takes heavy stylistic inspiration from discordrb for Ruby and discordcr for Crystal, so a lot of the basic code structure should feel familiar to users of those libraries.
Enclave is not available on Maven/JCenter/etc. yet. If you'd like to use it, you can build it from source code manually, or install it with JitPack:
allprojects {
repositories {
// ...
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.tripl3dogdare:enclave:master-SNAPSHOT'
Be warned that Enclave is still under heavy development. It comes with no guarantees as to functionality or respecting Discord's Terms of Service, and is not recommended for use by anyone who isn't absolutely sure they know what they're doing. I am striving to reach the point where I can give those guarantees, but as it stands, Enclave is definitely not the library you want to use if you're looking to build a good, API-respecting, bulletproof bot.
- Basic Gateway connection
- Event listeners and dispatch
- Methods for all the API endpoints
- Ratelimiting on API endpoints
- Proper event/data classes instead of raw JSON payloads
- Caching of API results and event data
- Convenience methods for common API actions
- Command framework
- General QoL improvements (utility methods, hiding implementation details, modularity, etc.)
- Detailed documentation
- Publish to dependency management sites
- Submit to Discord API server
This example is kept up to date with the current state of the library. If it seems somewhat over-complicated, that's because it is - and I'm actively working on making it simpler =)
package testbot
import com.tripl3dogdare.enclave.Enclave
import com.tripl3dogdare.enclave.event.*
import com.tripl3dogdare.enclave.network.*
import org.http4k.format.Jackson.asJsonObject
private lateinit var client:Enclave
fun main(args:Array<String>) {
client = Enclave("YOUR-TOKEN-HERE").include(TestBotEvents)
val TestBotEvents = EventContainer {
on<ReadyEvent> { ev -> println("Ready!") }
on<MessageCreateEvent> { ev ->
client.rest.createMessage(ev.raw["channel_id"].textValue(), """ {"content":"Pong!"} """.asJsonObject())
- A Java library like JDA or
- Can't write idiomatic Kotlin code without an extra "wrapper" library to deal with
- No guarantee on proper handling of nulls
- Much more complex structure
- Heavy use of the builder pattern
- A different language with a better-established library?
- I think these articles do the topic justice better than I can:
- xaanit/Artemis?
- Seems unfinished
- Inspired by JDA/D4J so retains a lot of their idioms and patterns
- Apparently moving towards being built on top of D4J
- Kiskae/DiscordKt?
- Extremely opinionated design, relies on some pretty heavy libraries like RxJava, Guava, etc.
- Overly complicated structure leaves a lot to be desired on the usability front
- Heavy use of the builder pattern
- Strong emphasis on functional-style code with no good way to use it otherwise
- Hasn't been updated in 2 years
- nerd/discord.kt?
- No good way to modularize event handlers
- Hasn't been updated for most of a year
- This library actually hits pretty close to what I'm trying to do with Enclave. Great job, Nerd!
- endreman0/KDA?
- Code is somewhat awkward and hard to read, albeit very concise
- Very unfinished
- Infrequently updated