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Daniel Smith edited this page Oct 21, 2016 · 2 revisions

#General Remarks TAP is a patch release to version 0.7.2.

It is not mandatory to upgrade to from 0.7.2.

Moreover, fresh deployment of 0.7.2 is now blocked, because of a deployment bug that is fixed in this release. See “Fixed Problems and Issues” below for details.

All GitHub repositories included in this TAP release were tagged with a tag.

#Upgrade Information Upgrade from 0.7.2 is not required, because release does not provide any new features. The only change is addition of a mandatory NGINX server restart to the deployment process. (It’s irrelevant to restart the NGINX server on a running platform; it’s only relevant to do it during a fresh installation.)

#Fresh Installation Information To install a new TAP instance, follow these instructions:

#Fixed Problems and Issues

Issue Number Description
TRACS-160 Nginx server is misconfigured during TAP instance deployment.
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