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Application Platform

Daniel Smith edited this page Aug 12, 2016 · 6 revisions

Wiki HomeApplication Platform

Cloud Foundry

The core application platform capabilities in the TAP Analytics PaaS is delivered through custom deployment of Cloud Foundry (CF), which is composed of the following components:

  • Director
  • Blob store
  • Workers
  • Message bus
  • Health monitor
  • Agents
  • Cloud platform integration
    • AWS
    • OpenStack (not validated)


The TAP Analytics PaaS is API-compatible with the open-source release of CF and supports the Command Line Interface (CLI) client for Cloud Foundry (also OSS).

You can find further documentation on CLI here. There is also help available in the CLI client itself. Type cf help for more information. Each command also has help output available via cf [command] --help or cf [command] -h.

Managed Services

In addition to the core platform capabilities offered by CF, TAP includes a growing set of managed services. Services currently available include:

  • Key/value stores
    • Consul
    • Redis
    • etcd
  • Document stores
    • Elasticsearch
    • MongoDB
    • CouchDB
    • RethinkDB
  • Relational stores
    • MySql
    • PostgreSQL
  • Memcache stores
    • Memcached
  • Graph stores
    • Neo4j
  • Message queues
    • RabbitMQ
    • Kafka
    • Nats
  • Other
    • Logstash (logs collection)
    • SMTP (email sending)
    • ArangoDB (multipurpose NoSQL memory DB)

These services are managed by the platform and are dedicated in most cases. They support a set of predefined plans (for example, small, medium, and large), which can be customized for each deployment.

Shared Services

In addition to managed services outlined above, TAP delivers a set of shared services on top of the Data Platform in a multinode architecture:

  • HBase
  • HDFS
  • Zookeeper
  • YARN
  • Spark
  • Kafka

These multitenant and scalable services are provisioned by the individual service brokers and expose a "slice" of the shared resource pool in the Data Platform during the binding process.

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