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iPython Broker Deployment

Krzysztof Balka edited this page Oct 6, 2015 · 2 revisions

Please note that we don't use iPython Broker anymore. It was designed to deploy a proxy application to access Docker image of IPython. Now, we use service-exposer to access IPython.

Get the sources from github

git clone
git checkout DPNG-1510

Prepare catalog.json file

vim catalog.json

  "services": [{
    "id": "111f9a19-a193-4a86-b449-b448deadbeef",
    "name": "ipython-proxy",
    "description": "iPython web console",
    "bindable": true,
    "tags": ["python"],
    "plans": [{
      "id": "2223fc74-8b8d-422b-8217-4a8edeadbeef",
      "name": "simple",
      "description": "simple",
      "free": true

Prepare node.js proxy application

mkdir ./apps/ipythonproxy
cd ./apps/ipythonproxy
vim manifest.yml
- name: ipython-proxy
  buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
  memory: 256M
  disk_quota: 256M
  path: .

vim package.json

  "name": "iPython-proxy",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "private": true,
  "engines": {
    "node": "0.10.x"
  "dependencies": {
    "http-proxy": "^1.1.11",
    "colors": "~0.6.2",
    "": "~0.9.16",
    "": "~0.9.16",
    "connect": "~2.11.0",
    "request": "~2.27.0",
    "connect-restreamer": "~1.0.0"

vim server.js

var listen_port = process.env.PORT

var vcap_services  = JSON.parse(process.env.VCAP_SERVICES)

var target_hostname = vcap_services.ipython[0].credentials.hostname
var target_port = vcap_services.ipython[0].credentials.port

console.log("Setting up proxy to " , target_hostname, "  :" , target_port)

var http = require('http'),
    httpProxy = require('http-proxy');

// Create a proxy server with custom application logic

var proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({   target: {
    host: target_hostname,
    port: target_port
  },ws: true, web:true});

// Create your custom server and just call `proxy.web()` to proxy
// a web request to the target passed in the options
// also you can use `` to proxy a websockets request

var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
  // You can define here your custom logic to handle the request
  // and then proxy the request.

  proxy.web(req, res);


server.on('upgrade', function (req, socket, head) {, socket, head);

console.log("Listening on port " + listen_port)

The ./apps/ipythonproxy folder should have three files:

  • server.js - nodejs proxy application
  • package.json - app description
  • manifest.yml - cf manifest

Now you can push it into cf.

Prepare manifest.yml for ipython-broker

Go back to main directory:

cd ../../
vim manifest.yml
- name: ipython-broker
  memory: 256M
  instances: 1
  path: .
  timeout: 180
   CF_API: http://your_platform_api_endpoint
   CF_CATALOG_PATH: ./catalog.json
   CF_DEP: ipython|free
   CF_PASS: platform_password 
   CF_SRC: ./apps/ipythonproxy
   CF_USER: platform_username

Take note of the APP_NAME_SUFFIX variable; you will read about it later on.

Push broker into the platform and enable ipython-proxy service

You need to be in main directory of broker and you can push it with the cf push command. This command will create service broker application. If it is first push of ipython-broker, you will need to create a service broker and enable access to this service (<service_broker_name> should be unique. For example, ipython*, <your_service_name> should be the same as services -> name in catalog.json or check it using cf service-access):

cf create-service-broker ipython-broker admin admin http://<app-url>
cf enable-service-access ipython-proxy

If you had ipython-broker before and it is only update you need to run update command:

cf update-service-broker ipython-broker admin admin http://<app-url>

Now you have ipython-proxy service enabled.

create ipython-proxy instance from marketplace

Find ipython-proxy in the marketplace and create an instance with the name foobar.

This will create services:

foobar  : useless service, can be removed

foobar-ipython  : docker ipython service instance


foobar-proxy : our nodejs proxy application which will point to ipython service (http and secure websockets) 

("proxy" is taken from APP_NAME_SUFFIX defined in manifest.yml, if empty, no suffix will be added)

Connect to ipython

Take the foobar-proxy application address (let's refer to it as and modify it to allow access by secure websockets:


Open this link in the browser:

TODO: some nice ipython screenshots

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