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Arcadia Installation

Iman Saleh edited this page Feb 18, 2016 · 1 revision

[Wiki Home](Home) ▸ [Getting Started Guide](Getting Started Guide) ▸ Arcadia Installation

Set up Arcadia repository

  • Contact Arcadia Data support and obtain Arcadia RPM install artifacts for Cloudera CDH

  • Login to ec2-user@cdh-launcher, then prepare Arcadia repository:

    • sudo yum install createrepo

    • mkdir ~/arcadiarepo

    • Put all Arcadia RPM files into ~/arcadiarepo

    • createrepo --database ~/arcadiarepo/

Install Arcadia

  • Set up Arcadia repository

  • Login to ec2-user@cdh-launcher, then cd ~/ansible-cdh

  • Edit defaults/yum_repos.yml and insert Arcadia YUM repo address

  • baseurl: file:///home/ec2-user/arcadiarepo/

  • Edit defaults/arcadia.yml, make sure to set:

    • arcadia admin user/pass

    • cdh admin user/pass

    • kerberos realm (only needed if kerberos is enabled)

  • Run install script: bash

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