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Vagrant and Ansible Test Scripts

Iman Saleh edited this page Dec 11, 2015 · 2 revisions

Using Vagrant

  1. Download Vagrant:

  2. Install Vagrant with this command:

    sudo dpkg -i vagrant_1.7.2_x86_64.deb`
  3. Do the following only on Intel-based machines, when you need to have a proxy:

    sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
    sudo apt-get install build-essential
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf
  4. Install the plugin for LXC:

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-lxc`
  5. Install LXC itself:

    sudo apt-get install lxc`

Using Ansible

  1. Install Ansible:

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
    sudo apt-get update -qq
    sudo apt-get install ansible
  2. Clone the platform-ansible repository

Example test

  • Make sure no machines with the role are up: vagrant destroy zabbix-server
  • Bring the machine with a specified role up: vagrant up zabbix-server
  • When changing scripts, reprovision the machine: vagrant provision zabbix-server
  • To debug the machine: vagrant ssh zabbix-server
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