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Kerberos installation procedure explained

Daniel Smith edited this page Nov 16, 2016 · 3 revisions

The Ansible scripts that DP2 uses to boostrap Kerberos on the CDH cluster we are using, are loosely based on two things:

There are three main steps:

Setting up the server

The Ansible file can be found here.

It creates the the Kerberos server machine, installing the appropriate packages and creating configuration files from templates. After that, it creates the initial users.

Setting up the clients

The Ansible file can be found here.

It installs the client libraries on every machine and creates the krb5.conf file that is used by applications to get the Kerberos setting in a given environment.

Enabling Kerberos support on the CDH cluster

The Ansible file can be found here.

Since there is no one API call to enable Kerberos support, we enable it for each service and then generate the appropriate credentials. The whole process is available as a one-click wizard in the Cloudera Manager web interface.

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