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Example ingestion using Apache Gearpump

Piotr Grabuszynski edited this page May 17, 2016 · 13 revisions

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How to deploy and use example Apache Gearpump application - ingestion-ws-kafka-gearpump-hbase

This example will use also: hbase-java-api-example and twitter-to-kafka applications.

  1. Create kafka instance on platform. In this example we will use twitter-to-kafka app, which needs instance named “kafka-twitter-instance”
    • In TAP console go to marketplace and choose “kafka”
    • Create new instance
  2. Create hbase instance on platform. In this example we will use hbase-java-api-example, which needs instance named “hbase1”
    • In TAP console go to marketplace and choose “hbase”
    • Choose tab “Shared”
    • Create new instance
  3. Deploy applications twitter-to-kafka and hbase-java-api-example (see the documentation of this components) on TAP
    • As a KAFKA_TOPIC in twitter-to-kafka environment variable set for example “topicIn”
  4. Get zookeeper uri
    • In TAP console click Services > Instances,
    • Create key for “hbase1”,
    • Click ”Export Keys” in the right top corner,
    • Click “+ Add to exports” near just created key,
    • At the bottom, find “exported Keys” section, then your instance, credentials and zookeeperUri. Copy this uri:
      • "credentials":{ ... "zookeeperUri": "<<COPY THIS VALUE, example value: cdh-master-0.node.domain.consul:2181,cdh-master-5.node.domain.consul:2181,cdh-master-2.node.domain.consul:2181/kafka>>"}
  5. Now generate output topic table for ingestion-ws-kafka-gearpump-hbase example
    • Go the cdh node, and then cdh-master-0:
      • ssh -i ~/.ssh/yourKey.pem
      • ssh cdh-master-0
    • Create topics (instead “<<ZOOKEEPER_URI>>” paste uri copied in step 4, including ‘/kafka’ suffix)
      • kafka-topics --create --zookeeper <<ZOOKEEPER_URI>> --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic topicIn
      • kafka-topics --create --zookeeper <<ZOOKEEPER_URI>> --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic topicOut
    • If you want to check, if topic has been created
      • kafka-topics --list --zookeeper <<ZOOKEEPER_URI>>
  6. Create a table in hbase using hbase-java-api-example
    • curl http://domain.and:port/api/tables -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"tableName":"pipeline","columnFamilies":["message"]}'
    • where domain.and:port is your real domain, for example: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"tableName":"pipeline","columnFamilies":["message"]}'
  7. Create GearPump instance or deploy on existing one
    • In TAP console, go to Data Science > GearPump tab,
    • If you don’t have an instance, you can create it right now,
    • Click link “Deploy App” on the right to chosen instance name,
    • Choose gearpump application jar (from ingestion-ws-kafka-gearpump-hbase/gearpump),
    • Add extra parameters:
      • inputTopic – topicIn
      • outputTopic – topicOut
      • tableName – pipeline
      • columnFamily – message
    • Check hbase instance called “hbase1” and kafka instance “kafka-twitter-instance” from the list and deploy the application.
  8. Check if the information flow is working – tweets should be visible in hbase:
    • curl http://domain.and:port/api/tables/pipeline/head
  9. You can also check output kafka topic:
    • Go to cdh and cdh-master-0, then use command (instead “<<ZOOKEEPER_URI>>” paste uri copied in step 4): kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper <<ZOOKEEPER_URI>> --topic topicin --from-beginning
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