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Releases: upbound/up


28 Mar 20:45
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v0.9.0 Pre-release


The v0.9.0 release introduces the following new functional items:

New experimental sub command enterprise mail was introduced to enable viewing emails stored as Secrets within the enterprise flow.


  • #155 adds EXPERIMENTAL enterprise mail sub command.

Bug fixes

  • #161 fixes a panic where xpls was assuming an XRD would have a schema.

Breaking Changes

v0.9.0 does not include any breaking changes.

While breaking changes will try to be minimized from version to version, up is not guaranteed to maintain backwards compatibility for pre-v1.0 versions.


03 Feb 19:25
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v0.8.0 Pre-release


The v0.8.0 release introduces new functionality the following new functional items:

  • Patches and PatchSets are now being taken into account when validating composed resources.
  • crossplane.yaml is now validated on workspace initialization regardless of whether or not the file is currently open in the viewer.
  • spec.versions[*].schema.openAPIV3Schema objects within a CompostiteResourceDefinition now have validations running on them from the underlying CRD.
  • #141 adds composed resource validation support through patches and patchsets.
  • #142 validates the crossplane.yaml on workspace init
  • #143 removes stale up cloud commands
  • #145 adds validations for an XRD's openAPIV3Schema object
  • #147 and #148 updates dependencies for various vulnerabilities

Breaking Changes

v0.8.0 does not include any breaking changes.

While breaking changes will try to be minimized from version to version, up is not guaranteed to maintain backwards compatibility for pre-v1.0 versions.


22 Jan 01:25
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v0.7.0 Pre-release


The v0.7.0 release introduces new functionality in the form of end user notifications about new up releases. These notifications will show up in your IDE if a newer version of up has been published compared to your version locally. In addition a bug that resulted in xpls experiencing an panic if the workspace under examination was using a v1alpha1 meta file has been fixed.

  • #131 fixes a panic seen when working with v1alpha1 Configurations and Providers
  • #134 adds end user notifications about new up releases.

Breaking Changes

v0.7.0 does not include any breaking changes.

While breaking changes will try to be minimized from version to version, up is not guaranteed to maintain backwards compatibility for pre-v1.0 versions.


20 Jan 23:15
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v0.6.0 Pre-release


The v0.6.0 release introduces new functionality in the form of the up xpls and up xpkg dep group of commands, which can be used run a LSP compatible language server for working with Crossplane packages as well as manages locally stored package dependencies.

  • #129 adds xpls and xpkg dep subcommands

Breaking Changes

v0.6.0 does not include any breaking changes.

While breaking changes will try to be minimized from version to version, up is not guaranteed to maintain backwards compatibility for pre-v1.0 versions.


02 Nov 11:19
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v0.5.0 Pre-release


The v0.5.0 release introduces new functionality in the form of the up enterprise group of commands, which can be used to install and manage a single-tenant enterprise Upbound deployment, and includes a significant breaking change in the form of removing cloud from all commands that were previously grouped under it. Though this changes a number of frequently used commands, they now more closely reflect the functionality they provide. For example, up cloud login is now up login as it can be used to login to Upbound's hosted Universal Cloud Platform, or a single-tenant enterprise instance running on your own infrastructure.

  • #117 removes the cloud subcommand.
  • #107 adds support for installing Helm-based artifacts from a local build rather than the remote chart repository. This is especially useful when testing new versions of UXP.
  • #116 and #118 add support for up enterprise install/upgrade/uninstall, which includes fetching an access key for the license ID provided on installation.

Breaking Changes

v0.5.0 drops the cloud subcommand from the following:

  • up cloud login -> up login
  • up cloud logout -> up logout
  • up cloud controlplane ... -> up controlplane ...

While breaking changes will try to be minimized from version to version, up is not guaranteed to maintain backwards compatibility for pre-v1.0 versions.


09 Aug 17:41
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v0.4.1 Pre-release


The v0.4.1 release contains two small dependency updates to mitigate vulnerabilities in libraries used by up. Users of up should not be impacted by either of the vulnerabilities:

Breaking Changes

This release does not introduce any breaking changes with v0.4.0.


09 Jul 20:08
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v0.4.0 Pre-release


The v0.4.0 release primarily introduces support for merging a control plane's connection information into a local kubeconfig. The command syntax is up cloud controlplane kubeconfig get <control-plane-id> --token=<upbound-api-token>. It is recommended to pass your API token to the flag via stdin by specifying --token=-. kubeconfig path can be overridden using -f <path>.

  • #102 Adds support for merging a control plane's connection information into a local kubeconfig file.
  • #104 Expands up cloud ctp list output to include the status of each control plane.

Breaking Changes

v0.4.0 does not include any breaking changes.

While breaking changes will try to be minimized from version to version, up is not guaranteed to maintain backwards compatibility for pre-v1.0 versions.


22 Jun 18:19
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v0.3.0 Pre-release


The v0.3.0 release includes a number of enhancements, as well as new feature areas:

  • #97 adds the ability to build Crossplane packages (up xpkg build) and push them to any OCI distribution compliant registry (up xpkg push <registry>/<org>/<repo>:<tag>). Images are pushed to the Upbound Registry if an alternative is not provided.
  • #98 updates the crossplane-runtime dependency to v0.14.0, bringing with it some improvements to package parsing. The parser is now able to recognize more valid YAML document streams when build a package from disk (see crossplane/crossplane-runtime#268 for more information).
  • #99 adds support for managing control plane tokens. Previously, up did not include functionality for deleting a control plane token that was created as part of up cloud controlplane attach, and did not allow users to create more than one token for a control plane. up now supports up cloud controlplane token commands for create, delete, and list.
  • #100 modifies how up caches UXP Helm charts when installing the latest stable version with up uxp install or up uxp upgrade. Previously, these commands would cause the latest stable chart to be cached without version information, meaning that if that same version was later installed explicitly (by supplying the version to either of the aforementioned commands), up would unnecessarily pull the chart again. Pulling the latest chart will now cache it so that its version is identifiable by subsequent commands.

Breaking Changes

v0.3.0 does not include any breaking changes.

While breaking changes will try to be minimized from version to version, up is not guaranteed to maintain backwards compatibility for pre-v1.0 versions.


27 May 16:36
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v0.2.0 Pre-release


The v0.2.0 release includes a few minor enhancements from v0.1, including a number of breaking changes.

  • #85 makes it possible for supply the desired UXP version for up uxp install and up uxp upgrade with or without a leading v in the semantic version.
  • #90 remove the kube-cluster-id and kubeconfig flags from up cloud controlplane attach. The responsibility of setting the ID of the Kubernetes cluster where UXP is installed is now deferred to the Upbound Agent in the UXP installation.
  • #91 Changes the xp alias for controlplane commands to ctp. This avoids naming conflicts with the xp shorthand for Crossplane. All functionality for up cloud controlplane ... / up cloud ctp ... remains unchanged.

Breaking Changes

Both #90 and #91 are considered breaking changes. However, the same functionality can be accomplished in each case with slight syntax changes.

While breaking changes will try to be minimized from version to version, up is not guaranteed to maintain backwards compatibility for pre-v1.0 versions.


20 May 20:30
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v0.1.1 Pre-release


The v0.1.1 release contains a small fix to make up kubeconfig semantics match the loading order of kubectl. This means that any command that supports the --kubeconfig flag will use the path provided if the flag is set, and otherwise fallback to the KUBECONFIG environment variable, then the default ~/.kube/config path. It also supports concatenating paths in KUBECONFIG as kubectl does. See #79 for more information.

Breaking Changes

This release does not introduce any breaking changes with v0.1.0.