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juliacon2018 cfp

WooKyoung Noh edited this page Apr 22, 2018 · 6 revisions



  • PushInterface.jl - Ableton Push 2 Interface with Julia

Elevator Pitch (300 chars)

Talk Format - Lightning Talk

Audience Level - All


  • You should make the description of your talk as compelling and exciting as possible. Remember, you're selling both the organizers of the events to select your talk, as well as trying to convince attendees your talk is the one they should see.


  • Notes will only be seen by reviewers during the CFP process. This is where you should explain things such as technical requirements, why you're the best person to speak on this subject, etc...
I was considering this talk for Posters.

application for financial assistance

If applicable, please mark the box(es) that apply to you. *

  • I intend to speak or give a poster at JuliaCon 2018. (Check this box if you have submitted or will submit an abstract.)
  • I believe that my perspective or experience brings diversity to the Julia community in some way.

Would you like to be considered for conference registration, travel scholarship, or both? *

  • Travel

If we are not able to provide you with financial assistance, will you be able to secure funding from your employer or academic institution to attend JuliaCon 2018? *

  • No, I will not be able to secure funding to attend JuliaCon from another source.

Estimated travel or conference expenses (please briefly itemize)

How will you benefit from attending JuliaCon? (200 words or less) *

How will your attendance benefit JuliaCon 2018? For example -- How will the community benefit from your JuliaCon presentation? How will your participation help to diversify JuliaCon? *

Do you have any additional questions or notes for committee?


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