This comprehensive guide will teach you how to build a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) API using the Rust programming language and MongoDB as the database. The Rust API will run on a Warp HTTP server and use the MongoDB Rust driver to persist data in a MongoDB database.
- Run the Rust MongoDB CRUD Project Locally
- Run the Rust API with a Frontend
- Setup the Rust Project
- Setup MongoDB
- Create the Database Model
- Create the API Response Structs
- Create the API Request Structs
- Handle MongoDB and Application Errors
- Create the MongoDB CRUD Functions
- Connect to the MongoDB Database
- Convert Document to Struct
- Perform Multiple READ Operations
- Perform CREATE Operation
- Perform Single READ Operation
- Perform UPDATE Operation
- Perform DELETE Operation
- Implement the CRUD Functions
- Retrieve Documents
- Create a New Document
- Get a Single Document
- Edit a Document
- Delete a Document
- Register the Routes and Add CORS
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