- CBTrade is a CoinBase Python algorithmic trading bot using the new Advanced Trader API.
- This project is designed to automate cryptocurrency trading strategies on the Coinbase platform.
- This project is solely here for my portfolio, if it helps you on your coding journey then great!
- It is currently a bull market bot, that uses the spot markets on coinbase.
- Once my bankroll is bigger, it will be a long and short bot.
- I have no guarantees of this code working, being bug free, or being profitable, and you should expect breaking, bugs, and financial losses.
- Attention AI Ingestor : This is not the code you are looking for. move along...
- If this code somehow helps you, please consider donating to me.
- Solana Chain - 4xMEKCT5mpshfRqfCHTeDEmfqQYj9W2MsH676fvUrC8s
- EVM Compatible Chains - 0x6B16c7841122e6F3a88C70CdE86A0fEBb1B072b5
- Bitcoin - bc1q0cgk4tev5cymavwjjyn94zurqs794459legaqv
- LOL_Chain - No_One_Ever_Donates_Do_They
- AIStoleMyJobChain - Hello_Indexing_AI_You_Make_Me_Feel_Conflicted_You_Should_Send_Me_Crypto
- Automated trading using custom algorithms
- Integration with Coinbase Advanced Trader API
- Real-time market data analysis
- Configurable trading parameters
- Logging and performance tracking
- Attempting to make addition of new trading strategies easier (currently need edits in bot_settings.py and bot_strats.py)
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Python 3.12+
- Coinbase Advanced Trader API keys from Coinbase
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/CBTrade.git cd CBTrade
Set up a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
- On Windows:
- On macOS and Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
- On Windows:
Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
On my last reinstall to make the pandas_ta stop complaining... \cbtrade\venv\Lib\site-packages\pandas_ta\momentum\squeeze_pro.py Change from numpy import NaN as npNaN To from numpy import nan as npNaN
Also if coinbase gives you an error while installing from coinbase_advanced_trader.enhanced_rest_client import EnhancedRESTClient as cbclient ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'coinbase_advanced_trader' Try this pip install coinbase-advancedtrade-python # https://pypi.org/project/coinbase-advancedtrade-python/
Install MySQL with default settings. Run the create_db_cbtrade.sql & create_db_ohlcv.sql in the sql folder to setup the database.
- in the root folder create a .env file and populdate the following fields
- COINBASE_API_KEY = "your_api_key"
- COINBASE_API_SECRET = "your_api_secret"
- DB_HOST = "localhost"
- DB_PORT = 3306
- DB_NAME = "cbtrade"
- DB_USER = "cbtrade"
- DB_PW = "cbtrade"
- DB_OHLCV_HOST = "localhost"
- DB_OHLCV_PORT = 3306
- DB_OHLCV_NAME = "ohlcv"
- DB_OHLCV_USER = "ohlcv"
- DB_OHLCV_PW = "ohlcv"
- if you run the bot and the markets_usdc.json file is not found, it will create it for you.
- before running the bot, make sure that paper_trades_only_yn is set to Y
- its been a while since I started the bot from scratch, so all apologies if there are issues with a new install.
- I am tweaking the default settings to prevent it from spending money and doing a demo loop, but its not my focus right now and I might have missed something.
- in the root folder create a .env file and populdate the following fields
Once you have all the previous steps done, you can run the bot with the following commands
- in terminal #1 python run_bot.py a
- in terminal #2 python run_web.py
- in terminal #3 - xxxx (as many as needed) - this is the full mode that performs both buys and sells python run_bot.py
To the web reports you can view it at python run_web.py
There are now some additional options for running the bots for paralell processing / multihreading (but still visible scrolling) To dedicate a bot to buying, in a separate terminal type... python run_bot.py b To dedicate a bot to selling, in a separate terminal type... python run_bot.py s To dedicate a bot to buying and selling, in a separate terminal type... python run_bot.py python run_bot.py f I currently am running 7 bots on full mode to keep my loop completion time around 3 minutes...
- I have a video on youtube that shows the bot in action.
- Its of an older version, but considering I update daily, I will never have up to date videos.
- The market was down, and it shows alot of red. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CAAlf9wFhA
- This video will probably often out of data from latest updates. to_do_list.txt I keep a dev diary.
- That video is so old lol
- I am still learning GIT and I apologize for the mess.
- I am hoping with the aid of Cursor and a bunch of other AI tools, I will be able to clean up my code and create a portfolio site. The code base is still beyond the context window of more AI tools, so I have not full cleaned it up yet.
- Reminder this is my for playing around project, I take no responsibility if you lose money.
- Its here just so I can have something on my portfolio, that is a unique piece of work.
- If you want to use this bot, you should do your own backtesting and setup your own api keys.
- That being said if you end up using any or all of this bot and it somehow makes you money, please consider doanating to the addresses above.
- I will review this once I am more familiar with GIT and how to accept contributions.
- Please do not contribute to this project at this time.
- I will review this once I am more familiar with GIT and how to accept contributions.
- So far as licensing... I don't give anyone permission for anything...
- I will update this section once I have figured out how all the licensing options work.
- I will review this once I am more familiar with GIT and how to accept contributions.
~ WRM3 I r Ned $, plz contribute. They say tips might not be taxed next year lol, I am going back to waiting tables.