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Org-supertag is a package that enhances org-mode’s tag functionality. It enables tags to not only set properties for nodes, but also directly manipulate nodes and automatically execute certain behaviors based on time, providing a more flexible way of information management.

Org-supertag offers high degrees of freedom, flexibility, and convenience. Through it, you can customize your own behaviors to achieve more complex functionalities - its potential is essentially limitless.

Org-supertag adopts a non-intrusive design, coexisting harmoniously with org-mode’s original features while providing more possibilities.


Feature Overview

  • Enhanced Tag Functionality
    • Set properties for org-headlines, add multiple org-properties at once and batch fill corresponding values
    • Transform regular org-headlines into searchable and referenceable nodes
    • Add behaviors to tags that can complete multiple operations at once
  • Convenient Search Functionality
    • Search with multiple keywords at once (using AND logic)
    • Beautified search results page showing both titles and content beneath
    • Multiple search result export methods for easy organization
      • Export search results to another file
      • Export search results to a new file (location and filename customizable)
      • Export search results directly to current cursor position
  • Automatic Synchronization
    • Automatically sync position and changes of org-headlines converted to Nodes, saving manual operations
    • Provides manual command to sync all Nodes
  • Integrated Behavior System for Automation
    • Behavior system makes tags “smart”, automatically triggering preset actions when adding/removing tags (like changing styles, setting states, etc.)
    • One tag can trigger multiple actions, e.g., adding @urgent tag can simultaneously “turn red”, “set priority”, “add deadline”, etc.
    • Behaviors can be scheduled, combined, and parameterized, making your org-mode workflow more automated and efficient
    • Behavior system includes a behavior library - you can use predefined common behaviors or create your own custom ones. This modular design makes behaviors easily shareable, reusable, and extensible between different org files or users
    • Customizable Behavior Commands
      • Simple configuration syntax
      • Parameterized configuration
      • Can combine multiple Behaviors together

Enhanced Tag System

Make your org-mode tags powerful metadata controllers:

Adding Tags/Setting Properties

  • Set multiple properties at once when adding tags
  • Batch fill property values
  • Type validation for property values


M-x org-supertag-tag-add-tag

M-x org-supertag-tag-set-field-and-value

Node System

  • Automatic node creation, no manual creation needed
  • Establish reference relationships between nodes


M-x org-supertag-node-add-reference

If a node isn’t automatically created, you can directly run M-x org-supertag-node-create command to convert the current heading into a node.

Behavior System

Make tags “smart”, enabling:

  • Trigger actions when adding/removing tags
  • Combine multiple actions into workflows
  • Set scheduled behaviors
  • Customize tag styles


M-x org-supertag-behavior-attach

M-x org-supertag-behavior-detach

Powerful Search

Efficiently find and organize your nodes:

Multi-keyword Search

  • Support multiple keyword combination search (AND logic)
  • Aesthetic search results interface
  • Preview content under headings


M-x org-supertag-query

Flexible Export Options

Multiple ways to organize search results:

  • Export to existing files
  • Create new files to save results
  • Insert at current position


Automatic Synchronization

Automatically maintain node organization:

  • Track node position changes
  • Automatically update reference relationships
  • Provide manual sync commands


M-x org-supertag-sync-force-all

If some nodes need synchronization but haven’t auto-synced, you can directly run M-x org-supertag-sync-force-all command to sync all node information to the database.

Basic Usage

Adding Tags

M-x org-supertag-tag-add-tag

Add tags to current heading, can set properties simultaneously.

Creating References

M-x org-supertag-node-add-reference

Add references to other nodes.


M-x org-supertag-query

Search nodes using multiple keywords.

Adding Behaviors

M-x org-supertag-behavior-attach

Attach automated behaviors to tags.

Basic Installation

(use-package org-supertag
  :straight (:host github :repo "yibie/org-supertag")
  :after org

Advanced Usage

Behavior System Configuration

Create custom behaviors by editing ~/.emacs.d/org-supertag/org-supertag-custom-behavior.el file:

Here’s an example

;; Register a behavior named "@urgent"
;; Parameter explanation:
;;   - @urgent: behavior name, used to identify and reference this behavior
;;   - :trigger: trigger condition, :on-add means trigger when adding tag
;;   - :list: list of actions to execute, each action is a command string
;;   - :style: tag display style, including font and prefix icon settings
(org-supertag-behavior-register "@urgent"                 <= Register a behavior named "@urgent"
  :trigger :on-add                                        <= Trigger when adding tag
  :list '("@todo=TODO"                                    <= Set TODO state
         "@priority=A"                                    <= Set priority to A
         "@deadline=today")                               <= Set deadline to today
  :style '(:face (:foreground "red" :weight bold)         <= Set tag display to red and bold
          :prefix "🔥"))                                  <= Show fire icon before tag

For more examples, please refer to

For more usage details, please refer to Org‐supertag Advance Usage


  • 2025-01-13 2.0.0 release
    • Added behavior scheduling system
    • Added behavior template variables
    • Added automatic sync system
    • And many improvements

    See details in CHANGELOG

  • 2024-12-31 1.0.0 release
    • feat behavior-system: Complete behavior system implementation, forming automated workflow
      • Three-layer behavior architecture (basic/derived/composite)
      • Complete trigger system
      • Rich behavior library functions
      • Style system support
    • docs: Provide interactive demo document
    • refactor: Core refactoring
      • Optimized data structures
      • Improved error handling
      • Enhanced performance
  • 2024-12-20 0.0.2 release
    • fix org-supertag-remove: Fixed issue where removing tags wasn’t effective
    • fix org-supertag-tag-add-tag: Fixed issue where duplicate tags could be added to org-headline
    • feat org-supertag-tag-edit-preset: Edit preset tags
    • feat org-supertag-query-in-buffer: Query in current buffer
    • feat org-supertag-query-in-files: Query in specified files, can specify multiple files
  • 2024-12-19 0.0.1 release

Future Plans

  • ✅ Provide more query scopes, like querying against one or multiple files
  • ✅ Initially implement a command system where tags automatically trigger commands, e.g., when a node is tagged as Task, it automatically sets TODO, priority A, and changes node background to yellow
  • ✅ Implement a task scheduling system to combine multiple nodes for completing a series of tasks, e.g., automatically setting daily review at 9 PM and automatically inserting review results into review nodes (experimental feature, may not be implemented)
  • AI integration, different tags associated with different Prompts, e.g., when a node is marked as “task”, automatically trigger AI commands to generate a task list
  • Like Tana, provide more views (experimental feature, may not be implemented)


Thanks to Tana for inspiration, and thanks to org-mode and Emacs for their power.

I sincerely hope you’ll like this package and benefit from it.


Contributions welcome! Please check our contribution guidelines.


Enhance org-mode tag system, borrow idea from tana.






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