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Lasse Schuirmann edited this page Feb 29, 2016 · 1 revision

Things to Know Before Applying

Please see also if you're interested in scientific work. Students are expected to work out a full project proposal in cooperation with us, especially the mentor. Any application without prior contribution to coala cannot be evaluated and will be rejected. We will help you aiming your proposal to reasonable goals but we won't proofread it. (You can ask fellow students to do that.) will help you getting started with coala.

Contacting Us

You can contact all mentors and admins on The following people are potential mentors and all have extensive experience:

  • @sils1297
  • @Makman2
  • @AbdealiJK
  • @Udayan12167
  • @fneu

If you have particular questions or problems with a mentor (or an admin), feel free to approach our GSoC administrators @Makman2,@sils1297 or @fneu privately on Gitter so we can help you resolving it. If you have problems contacting your mentor, contact us ASAP.

Working out a Proposal

Please design your project in a way that you have multiple checkpoints. We'd like you to specify at least three partial goals so if something goes wrong for a valid reason, we can rearrange your schedule meaningfully. Each of those goals has to be merged into the main coala codebase in order for it to be considered "complete". You should be aware of what that involves for you (writing tests, going through extensive code review, learning :), reiterating).

You can use any project idea listed here or one that came out of your mind - however be sure to make us aware of your plans and start planning your project with us so we can coordinate and - in the worst case - prohibit waste of time from your side. At all cost make sure you find something that interests you. We want this to be a fun and educating experience for you!

Please follow our proposal template. All fields are required if not explicitly indicated otherwise. We love having twitter handles so we can tell people publicly about your great project and successes at!

If needed, you can get further information about GSoC at


First Name:
Last Name:
E-Mail Adress:
GitHub Username:
Website (optional):
Twitter (optional):


Academic background, including university, major, and expected or
achieved graduation date for any degree you have or are pursuing:

Possible mentor for this project proposal:

Please describe the ultimate goal for your proposal:

Please describe why you are the right person to work on this particular project:

Please describe how you plan to achieve your project goal. Provide a schedule
with dates and important milestones, preferably in two week increments:

Will you be able and willing to attend a conference in the EU around August [1]
sponsorship, at least partially, will be provided:

Please describe what you can show after working on the project for two months [1]:

Please list links to your Open Source contributions to coala and other
projects, not necessarily on GitHub:

- ...

Please list and explain other relevant projects you have worked on
previously and what knowledge you have gained though working on them:

List all other time commitments (university, exams, research, another job, planned
vacation, etc.) overlapping with any part of the GSoC. If we find out that you are
pursuing other commitments without notifying us to your best knowledge you will be
failed. It is ok to have other commitments but please list them:

[1] You will be invited either to GUADEC and possibly another local event.

What Happens When you get Accepted

There are a few things you should be aware of:

  1. In order to pass the evaluations we require your contributions to be reviewed and merged. Your mentor should ordinarily review your work within 24 hours, but be prepared for lots of constructive feedback.
  2. You should be already aware that we require full test coverage for your code to be accepted.
  3. We require you to do a blog post at least every two weeks, it will be aggregated on <>.
  4. Your mentor will do a weekly meeting with you to make sure none of your questions remain unasked. :)
  5. Sooner or later you will be (or have already been) asked to review PRs of other students and newcomers. Code review is not an activity for some privileged members of the community but an important experience that should be part of your GSoC! Of course especially in the beginning we'll be there to guide you to that so don't worry!

Possible Projects


Write project ideas down like this:

### Idea Title

**Possible mentor(s)**: @onementor, @anothermentor


**Difficulty**: Easy/Medium/Hard
**Requirements**: Optional.



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