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Lasse Schuirmann edited this page Mar 11, 2016 · 2 revisions
11:19 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] @sils1297 sits down and lights a candle
11:19 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] Once upon a time
11:19 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] there was me.
11:20 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] And I wrote a small little program called YAFOS
11:20 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] which is yet another free operating system.
11:20 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] Back then, when google code was cool
11:20 PM <coala_gitter> [arafsheikh] @arafsheikh eagerly listens..
11:20 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297]
11:21 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] So yafos is a kernel
11:21 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] because lectures were boring I had to do something fin, right?
11:21 PM <coala_gitter> [Adrianzatreanu] yeah who doesnt write a linux kernel in his free time ....
11:22 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] come on, don't destroy it, it's quite natural!
11:22 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] if you're bored you gotta do *something*
11:22 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and it's not linux
11:22 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] it's yafos!
11:22 PM <coala_gitter> [Adrianzatreanu] yet another free os
11:22 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] so I knew @fneu back from school
11:23 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and I asked him if he wanted to help or something
11:23 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] he was like "oh man, you really want me to help you write a *bootloader* or a *multitasking scheduler*? In **C**!?"
11:24 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] I was studying computer science and engineering while he was doing sometthing stupid with way more work.
11:24 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] :P
11:24 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] so anyway
11:24 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] my code was ugly so he started to write "CodeChecker"
11:25 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] which was actually right in the same repo as YAFOS, which was even SVN back in these days
11:25 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] @sils1297 feels old
11:25 PM <coala_gitter> [Adrianzatreanu] so basically this started cuzyour codestyle was horrible
11:25 PM <coala_gitter> [Adrianzatreanu] i wish i could help my friends with that, lol
11:25 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] it wasn't horrible I guess but he wanted to do something with python
11:25 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] he liked it
11:25 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] I hated it
11:27 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] @sils1297 crawls through the yafos code to determine if his codestyle actually *was* horrible
11:27 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] @sils1297 finds himself reminded of when he wrote a driver for the PC speaker... and his OS actually played a hardcoded welcome melody on boot : D
11:27 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] well at some point I had multitasking in the OS
11:27 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and the next step would be doing a gui or something
11:28 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] which is a huge step
11:28 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] so I dropped it basically
11:28 PM <coala_gitter> [charizard42] @charizard42 is excited
11:28 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and somehow we extracted the CodeChecker and made Codec which was only short for CodeChecker but IIRC it was a complete rewrite
11:28 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and we had it in an own repository
11:29 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] @sils1297 's face gleams in the dark light of the candles
11:30 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] CodeChecker and CodeC weren't that bad actually, right from the start @fneu had some thing like you could give it python files and it'd import them and look for checking methods dynamically
11:30 PM <coala_gitter> [charizard42] @charizard42 agrees it was completeee rewrite
11:30 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] but then we somehow screwed up after a few months, it was fun
11:30 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and we did another complete rewrite
11:31 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] that was fun, starting coala from scratch *but* this time we knew a lot about what we wanted and what not
11:31 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] so we were able to do a neat architecture
11:31 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] it was fully unittested
11:31 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] rather early we started caring about the history and did the fast forwarding stuff
11:32 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] so thats about when @Makman2 came into the game
11:32 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] he was a student in one of the excercises I supervised at the university
11:33 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and he was really good
11:33 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] he had this TE3D project
11:33 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] which I think was my idea because I wanted them to do it :P
11:33 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] the excercise had a 4 week software project
11:34 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and I was like "hey man, you're awesome why don't you write a 3D engine for the terminal using ASCII art?"
11:34 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and he did it
11:34 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] well they but no, he did it
11:34 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] it was "group work"
11:34 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297]
11:34 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] they wrote a terminal 3d engine in C.
11:34 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] They even could load in blender models
11:34 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and turn them around, rendering them as ASCII graphics
11:34 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] it was awesome
11:35 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] so we tried continuing the project together, me and Mischa (=@Makman2)
11:36 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] which then was CE3D
11:36 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] I think he's even nowadays working on CE3D2
11:36 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] but that was something like 10 months after my GSoC
11:37 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] so I taught him code reviewing and that stuff
11:37 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and somehow he felt like he needed to give something back I think so he started helping us out at coala
11:37 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] bad move... now he's doomed to maintain it forever
11:37 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] then GSoC 2015 came
11:37 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] and with it some applicants
11:37 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] we were participating under GNOME
11:38 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] we had two students, @AbdealiJK and @Udayan12167
11:38 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] both did a really good job I think, @AbdealiJK manages to impress us every day again
11:39 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] like during the hackathon phase when he out of a sudden did a hundred commits in a week
11:39 PM <coala_gitter> [Adrianzatreanu] i honestly think @AbdealiJK 's reviews are awesome ;p
11:39 PM <coala_gitter> [charizard42] respect for @Makman2
11:39 PM <coala_gitter> [charizard42] :clap:
11:40 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] @Makman2 is a hell of a reviewer, he's really good at that
11:40 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] @fneu is particularly good at algorithms and stuff where you need deep knowledge, somewhen when we were working on codechecker I think, we wrote a small artificial intelligence using artificial neural networks
11:40 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] you can have a hell lot fun with that guy
11:41 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] coala and that whole stuff is more of a side occupation of him - and always was - which is why you don't see him around that often
11:42 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] but sometimes he crawls out of his cave
11:42 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] with some really cool stuff
11:42 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] he wrote e.g. the algorithm that powers GitMate's ability to detect which results are new and which are only moved
11:43 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] you don't want @fneu to review code though :D
11:43 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] well and recently the indiahacks hackathon came
11:43 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] a *lot* of people were bumping into us
11:44 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] apparently they liked us, a lot stayed I think
11:44 PM <coala_gitter> [srisankethu] +1
11:44 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] possibly only for GSoC but still
11:44 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] now people are applying for GSoC
11:44 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] we know for sure that we can't accept all applications, it's always the case
11:45 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] we still hope that some people stick around just because it's a good learning opportunity
11:45 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] And they lived happily ever after.
11:45 PM <coala_gitter> [sils1297] @sils1297 blows out the candles
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