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GSoC Mentors Meetings

sims1253 edited this page May 8, 2016 · 4 revisions


This is what the meeting was about:

Short "Get your shit done" talk addressed to GSoC students and mentors

Fabian will create a mailing list for GSoC because gitter is not great for communication

Max and Lasse are now GSoC Admins and should be addressed with every issue you can not talk about with your student/mentor

Introduced the idea to manage coala with teams ( and (

Short discussion about some kind of management team/board -> don't do it now but instead when we think it is needed

Switching to Gitlab as a medium term goal (after gsoc) someone interested in doing a "why we want gitlab" thing?

Concerns were mainly the speed of the homepage and github being the bigger thing.

Get api stable this year somwhere around 1-2 month after gsoc

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