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Workshop: Unit Tests and You

Lasse Schuirmann edited this page Jun 26, 2016 · 19 revisions

This workshop is over. The recording will be available in the following weeeks.

Attendants (Max 10)

If you can edit this wiki page, you may enter your name in the following list yourself. In all cases, please let me know if you are planning to attend. I will make sure your name is on this list. Thank you!

  • Zatreanu Adrian-Gabriel (@Adrianzatreanu)
  • Maximilian Scholz (@sims1253)
  • Lasse Schuirmann (@sils1297)


Here is an outline of the topics we will talk about. The examples will be interactive. I will share my screen and we will solve simple unit testing problems together.

  • Motivation: Where do they come from? Why are they used?
  • Example A: Testing a simple function using unit tests
  • Unit tests in Python: Quick overview of unit testing frameworks in Python
  • Example B: Testing classes with unit tests.
  • Unit tests vs. doctests: When to use which method of testing
  • Example C: Testing interaction between two stateful classes.
  • Q&A


Please make sure you have the following ready:

  • Python 3.5
  • An editor you are comfortable with
  • Terminal to use Python 3.5

Time and Place

The workshop will be held 2016.06.25 18:00 CET

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