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Conferences Upcoming

Tushar edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 64 revisions

12.08. - 17.08. GUADEC

GUADEC is the main conference for GNOME users, developers, foundation leaders, individuals, governments and businesses worldwide. GUADEC is not just a software conference though! People come together to meet collaborators from chat rooms and mailing lists, to network, to visit old friends and make new ones, and to have fun.

Date: August 12-17 (2016)

Location: Kahrlsruhe

Participants: @sils1297


  • @sils1297 will do a lightning talk on how coala goes, many people might remember it from last time
  • @sils1297 does a workshop on how to contribute to OS
  • @sils1297 does a talk on how to be a newcomer friendly project

Sponsoring: @sils1297 applied for sponsorship


12.08-16.08 - PyCon Australia

PyCon Australia 2016 will be the seventh national conference for users and developers of the Python programming language. This year it will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. More info at website

Date: August 12-16

Location: Melbourne

Participants: None yet.

Call for Proposal: Ends on 8th May

15.08-19.08 - IDLELO7

The National Information Technology Authority-Uganda (NITA-U) is pleased to announce the African Conference on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and the Digital Commons (IDLELO) 2016.

Date: August 15-19

Location: Kampala, Uganda

Participants: None yet.

22.08-24.08 - LinuxCon North America

Where developers, sys admins, architects and all levels of technical talent gather together under one roof for education, collaboration and problem-solving to further the Linux platform.

Date: August 22-24

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Participants: None yet.

02.09-04.09 FSFE European Summit

In 2016 the FSFE is celebrating 15 years of its existence and will celebrate this with its first ever European summit. This is the call for your participation in a unique environment where several vibrant Free Software communities will meet and share a weekend of knowledge sharing with a great participatory spirit. The FSFE summit will take place from September 2 – 4, 2016, in the Berlin Congress Center. We aim to gather Free Software enthusiasts and the FSFE community from all over Europe to exchange insights and outsides, to build new friendships and to find allies. It's time to connect and collaborate. We invite you to come together to use, study, share and improve your skills and knowledge; come network with Free Software and beyond.

Date: September 2-4

Location: Berlin Congress Center, Germany

Participants: None yet.

09.09-11.09 Python Unconference 2016

We are happy to announce, that we will organize a Python Unconference in Hamburg in 2016 again. It will take place from 9th to 11th of September 2016. Friday will be filled with workshops, turorials and sprints while the unconference happens on saturday and sunday.

Date: September 9 - 11 (2016)

Location: Hamburg

Participants: @sils1297, others?

Activities: @sils1297 asked if there's interest in us doing a workshop or something

Sponsoring: At least some of us are local.

09.09-15.09 ownCloud Contributor Conference

Annually bringing ownCloud Contributors from around the world together for a week of coding, design, discussion, talks & fun.

Date: September 9 - 15 (2016)

Location: Berlin

Participants: @sils1297, others?

Activities: TODO

Sponsoring: Maybe we can convince Jos that if we come and add lots of coafiles improving ownCloud code quality we'll get some sponsoring?

15.09.- 19.09. PyCon UK 2016

PyCon UK is the annual gathering of the UK Python community and its friends from around the world. This year, the conference is held at Cardiff City Hall.

Date: September 15 - 19 (2016)

Location: Cardiff, United Kingdom

Participants: @manojpandey

Call for Proposal:

23.09.- 25.09. PyCon India 2016

PyCon India, the premier conference in India on using and developing the Python programming language is conducted annually by the Python developer community. It attracts the best Python programmers from across the country and abroad.

Date: September 23 - 25 (2016)

Location: New Delhi, India

Participants: @SanketDG, @abhsag24, @srisankethu, @manojpandey, @mr-karan, @tushar-rishav

Activities: We should try getting a stand there.



Call for Proposal:

26.09-27.09 - Open Source Backup Conference

Date: September 26-27 (2016) Location: Köln, Germany

04.10-06.10 - LinuxCon Europe

Where developers, sys admins, architects and all levels of technical talent gather together under one roof for education, collaboration and problem-solving to further the Linux platform.

Date: Octomber 04-06 (2016)

Location: Berlin, Germany

17.10-19.10 - O'Reilly Open Source Convention

OSCON is where all of the pieces come together: developers, innovators, businesspeople, and investors. Dig deep into the business of open source at OSCON, where you'll encounter the open source ecosystem in its entirety—the full open source stack—exactly as you approach it in your work. You'll learn about the latest developments, add to your skills, and discover how other people are solving the same problems you're working on.

Date: October 17 - 19 (2016)

Location: London, United Kingdom

Participants: None yet.

12.11-13.11 - T-Dose Conference Eindhoven NL

T-DOSE is a free and yearly event held in The Netherlands to promote use and development of Open Source Software. During this event Open Source projects, developers and visitors can exchange ideas and knowledge. This years event will be held at the Fontys University of Applied Science in Eindhoven.

Date: November 12-13 (2016)

Location: Eindhoven, Netherlands

Speakers are welcome to submit abstracts, until 30 September.

02.03-05.03 2017 Socal Linux Expo

Date: 2-5 March 2017

Location: Pasadena, California


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