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Marten edited this page Aug 2, 2013 · 10 revisions

The possibilities for customizing a geoportal are limitless, but this topic is a gateway to other topics with ideas to get you started. Most of the customizations described here can be achieved without altering the Geoportal Server source code. If you are customizing the Geoportal Server source code, please refer to the Geoportal Server JavaDoc online. Tip: Customizing the Geoportal Server is easier if you understand its basic architecture. A review of the Geoportal Server Geoportal User Interface Components and Geoportal Server Geoportal Web Application File Organization is recommended.

IMPORTANT: When you make changes to the geoportal configuration or jsp files, you may need to clear out your Tomcat work folder to see those changes in your geoportal UI. See Clear the Tomcat Work Folder for instructions.

Table of Contents

Look and Feel Customizations

Search-related Customizations

Integration with other components

Customize Metadata

In addition to the popular metadata standards and profiles supported out-of-the-box, the Geoportal Server supports the ability to publish most metadata XML standards or profiles through customization. The topics below discuss metadata-related customizations.

(also xsd and Schematron)

Publication Management


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