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Oracle WebLogic geoportal logging

Marten Hogeweg edited this page Dec 14, 2012 · 1 revision

Weblogic does not pick up the default geoportal file in the geoportal classes directory. In order to affect the logging properties, you must edit the main for the java executable running WebLogic. Steps below discuss how to enable generating a logfile for the geoportal web application and writing it to an output directory of your choice. For more information, see the Oracle online documentation for WebLogic logging.

  1. Locate the java executable running weblogic, and within that folder, open its file in a text editor. Tip: Sometimes the WebLogic java executable's file can be found in the \\bea\jrockit\jre\lib or \\Oracle\Middleware\jdk\jre\lib folder.
  2. In the file, find the java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level parameter, and change the setting from the default INFO to FINER.
  3. In that same file, scroll to the end of the file where the # Facility specific properties are defined. Beneath the example line for the = SEVERE facility, enter: com.esri.gpt.level = FINER
  4. Save the file.
  5. The weblogic server scripts by default log all messages to the server's console. To redirect these to a log file, you need to edit the WebLogic Server startup script. Start by navigating to the startWebLogic.cmd file and opening it in a text editor. The startWebLogic file is often found in the \\wlserver_10\samples\domains\wl_server\bin folder, or a similar filepath.
  6. In the startWebLogic.cmd file, find the line that reads:
set JAVA_OPTIONS=%SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS%. Add two additional parameters to this JAVA_OPTIONS variable. The two parameters will define the name of two geoportal logfiles, and the location to which they should be written. In our exampe, we write these two logfiles to the C:\ drive. The two parameters are -Dweblogic.Stdout="C:\geoportal-stdout" and -Dweblogic.Stderr="C:\geoportal-stderr". The JAVA_OPTIOINS variable should now look like this: set JAVA_OPTIONS=%SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dweblogic.Stdout="C:\geoportal-stdout" -Dweblogic.Stderr="C:\geoportal-stderr"
  1. Save the startWebLogic.cmd file.
  2. Restart the WebLogic service. After the service starts, your geoportal logfiles should be written to the C:\ drive.
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