- styled-wind - A magical implementation of tailwind-like classnames into styled-components.
- pyecharts - Documentation for pyecharts. A Python Echarts Plotting Library.
- gallery-pyecharts - A Data Visualization Gallery Based on pyecharts.
- Posthtml - Documentation for PostHTML, a tool to transform HTML/XML with JS plugins.
- Explore Wanchain - Documentation for Wanchain, a blockchain with smart contracts, private transactions, and cross-chain features.
- Laravel SweetAlert2 - Documentation for Laravel SweetAlert2, A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes for Laravel.
- Security List - A series of personal cyber security tools, resources and checklists.
- Snipaste - Snip & Paste.
- Vudash - Powerful, Flexible, Open Source dashboards for anything.
- JS MythBusters - An optimization handbook from a high level point of view.
- samlify - Node.js SAML2 library.
- palettify - A color palette effects assistant.
- commitlint - Lint commit messages.
- vue-data-tables - A simple and customizable data table, based on vue2 and element-ui.
- Noty - A Dependency-free notification library.
- xTeko - Addins framework for Pin 3.0.
- vue2-datatable-component - The best Datatable for Vue.js 2.x which never sucks.
- Solidarity - Environment enforcer for your projects across machines.
- IT-films - A curated list of awesome movies, documentaries and TV series about hackers, geeks and IT in common, sorted by IMDB rating.
- zooming - Image zoom that makes sense.
- vue-sticker - Vue component, that helps to make sticky effects.
- vue-orgchart - Vue.js wrapper for OrgChart.js.
- Vue Content Loading - Easily build (or use presets) SVG loading cards like Facebook.
- Tracy Debugger for ProcessWire - The ultimate debugging and development tool for the ProcessWire CMF/CMS.
- Tina.js - A lightweight and progressive Wechat Mini-Program framework.
- pino - Super fast, all natural json logger.
- fastd - A High-Performance API Framework.
- Xenus - An elegant MongoDB ODM for PHP.
- You-need-to-know-css - CSS tricks web developers need to know.
- OCCA - Library for programming multiple backends (OpenMP, CUDA, and OpenCL) with JIT compiled kernels.
- class-change.js - A micro-library for manipulating CSS class names, triggering change events using HTML data attributes, and creating declarative class-related event listeners (@jhildenbiddle).
- docx - Easily generate
files with JS/TS. - RCOS Handbook - Organization manual for Rensselaer Center for Open Source.
- Veritone - Veritone aiWare docs for AI as a service platform and MachineBox.
- 🎨 Osiris UI - A Vue.js 2.0 universal responsive UI component library.
- Oglang - Oglang: a language like coffee-script that compiles to Golang.
- boardgame.io - State management and more for turn based games.
- Rambda - Lightweight functional JS library.
- ve-charts - ECharts 4.x for Vue.js 2.x.
- 👨🎓 JCSprout - Basic, concurrent, algorithm(处于萌芽阶段的 Java 核心知识库).
- axios-api-versioning - Add easy to manage api versioning to axios.
- 🎓 🎨 Reading - Reading notes of 300 awesome books (Will keep on for another 20 years).
- Learn Blockchain by Code - The code and book about learning blockchain by code. (《区块链系统实现》开源书籍及源代码仓库)
- Fairlay API - Exchange & prediction markets API.
- Tainacan Wiki - Documentation for Tainacan - a flexible and powerfull repository platform for WordPress.
- 🛸 Jasonelle - Make iOS and Android Apps with JSON.
- Saasify - A new way for devs to earn passive income.
- Regauge - A command line interface for react app bundled with webpack, prettier and many more.
- google-spreadsheet (npm module) - A Google Sheets API wrapper for JavaScript.
- Pwn notebook📖 - CTF writeup & Notes of learning pwn. (Pwn 笔记本)@TaQini
- 👷 📙 docsify-js-tutorial - A guide to using DocsifyJS to setup and configure a docs site around your markdown docs. It is also built on DocsifyJS. @MichaelCurrin.
- 🐦 🐍 python-twitter-guide - Code snippets and links to docs around using the Twitter API and Tweepy on Python 3. @MichaelCurrin.
- 🔂 ⏳ 🦄 unicron - A simple scheduler to ensure tasks run exactly once per day but get retried at intervals until the task passes. Ideal for machines which are not always online. @MichaelCurrin.
- eDok - A safe, full featured SaaS ECM (Electronic Content Management) for the paperless business. The product, documentation and terms pages are implemented with docsify. Written in Brazilian Portuguese.
- codoxify - Generate Clojure documentation for docsify.
- ebay-node-api - Node.js wrapper for all eBay API's.
- Start Testing - A crowdsourced testing course, written by testers for testers wannabes.
- Restish - A CLI for modern REST APIs. Example of Docsify with custom syntax highlighting.
- Block Builder - JS library for building Block Kit UIs for Slack apps.
- express-jsdoc-swagger - Node.js library for generating Swagger OpenAPI 3.x UI.
- Spear-framework - A best vulnerability collection platform.
- NoteBook - Record the computer professional knowledge you have learned along the way.
- breadbot - A discord bot who likes bread -or jokes.
- 幸福拾荒者 - A poetic front-end documentation library.
- 字节飞扬 - A blog documenting personal growth. (互联网是有记忆的,我想留下一些成长的脚印)
- 侠客岛 - A back-end stack sharing platform. (一个后端技术栈分享平台,主要专注于后端相关的专题学习、读书笔记、技术文档等)
- euchre-cli - Play euchre in your terminal.
- fastdocs.io - Instantly deploy your docs with Docsify without any code!
- Anki - A powerful cross-platform flashcard program which makes remembering things easy.
- inlets - The documentation for inlets ("The Cloud Native Tunnel") is deployed with docsify.
- Cypher Notepad - The user-friendly, plain-text editor with Hybrid Encryption.
- advanced-react-cli - NPM package which aims to provide a better way to install packages for your react application through an intuitive CLI.
- GitPitch.com - The perfect slide deck solution for Tech Conferences, Training, Developer Advocates, and Educators.
- gitmoji-changelog - A changelog generator for gitmoji 😜.
- Jitbit Helpdesk API Docs - Jitbit Helpdesk (a ticketing system) uses Docsify for its API docs portal.
- try-docsify - VS Code development container demo site and template repository for Docsify.
- Nebra Helium Docs - The documentation of the Helium HNT Hotspot Miners from Nebra Ltd.
- Attacking Javaer - Attacking Javaer computer science wiki, running hard on the road to the full stack.
- X-M-UI - A vue project for X-M-UI.
- sa-token - A lightweight Java authority authentication framework. (一个轻量级java权限认证框架)
- celery.node - Celery task queue client/worker for Node.js.
- asdf - A version manager for multiple languages and clis.
- Corhyam's Wiki - A personal wiki that deploys to the cloud rapidly, based on Serverless Framework.
- Apollo - A reliable configuration management system.
- Sureness - A simple and efficient open-source security framework that focus on protection of REST API.
- ArchLinuxTutorial - Arch Linux Tutorial. (Arch Linux 安装使用教程)
- What's up Docker? - A tool that helps you keep your Docker containers up-to-date.
- Layotto - Layotto (L8):To be the next layer of OSI layer 7.
- LinuxNetworkProgrammingAndEncryption - Linux Network Programming And Encryption. (Linux 网络编程与加密 WIP)
- BitcoinMythBusters - BitcoinMythBusters: Copy & Pasteable rebuttals to common critiques regarding Bitcoin.
- Hyrule Compendium API - A web API serving data on items from the video game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
- NOJ Online Judge - Yet another open-source online judge platform based on Laravel, NOJ stands for Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Online Judge.
- ShellTutorial - Shell Tutorial. (Linux 命令行与 Shell 脚本教程)
- node-musickit-api - Documentation for node-musickit-api, a wrapper for the Apple Music API.
- LabVIEW编程经验 - A book for LabVIEW programing.
- Coding-Tree - Learn Notes for coding, include: js、Python、PHP、Java、Canvas.
- Hathora - Multiplayer game framework.
- @nathanpb/Kext (Kotlin Extensions for TypeScript) - Kotlin inspired TypeScript utility library for easy and declarative programming.
- @nathanpb/progress - Highly customizable CLI progress bars for JavaScript.
- ERC721A - Mint multiple NFTs for close to the cost of one.
- Laravel-QuickStart - Laravel Boilerplate based on TALL Stack (Frontend + Backend).
- Taio Documentations - Documentations for the Taio app.
- Taio Actions Directory - Actions directory for the Taio app.
- Taio Dev Notes - Development Notes for the Taio app.
- Third Wave Coffee Base - A RESTful API that details coffee product listings from third wave coffee roasters.
- OpenHaus documentation - Auto generated documentation for OpenHaus from the source code of the project.
- LifeUp - Documentation for LifeUp app. A gamification To-Do list and habit forming android application.
- Skuber - Scala client for the Kubernetes API.
- docbook - A doc book record thoughts.
- Awesome Privacy - A curated list of privacy-respecting software and services.
- 古帝荒天 - A blog that records some technical experience in life and work.
- liblava - A modern and easy-to-use library for the Vulkan® API.
- medusa-extender - A medusa e-commerce module to give full extensibility power over medusa engine 💜.
- 八尺妖剑的文档库 - A personal project documentation repository.
- docsify-open-course-starter-kit - A ready-to-use template to create a Docsify open course website. Global navigation elements can be hidden for seamlessly embedding pages (i.e. into an LMS). Includes an optional "Edit this Page" link. @hibbittsdesign.
- docsify-open-multicourse-starter-kit - A MultiCourse variation of the Docsify Open Course Starter Kit to quickly create a Markdown-based open multi-course site with the site generator Docsify. Global navigation elements can be hidden for seamlessly embedding pages (i.e. into an LMS). Includes an optional "Edit this Page" link. @hibbittsdesign.
- docsify-open-publishing-starter-kit - A ready-to-use template to create a Docsify open publishing site. Global navigation elements can be hidden for seamlessly embedding pages into other platforms. Includes an optional "Edit this Page" link. @hibbittsdesign.
- docsify-this.net - A hosted Web app that uses Docsify to display remote Markdown files as standalone web pages (which are also perfect for embedding into other systems, such as an LMS). All you need is a publicly accessible Markdown file and provide that URL. @hibbittsdesign.
- docsify-dotnet-core - This project demonstrates how we can add docisfy in a ASP.NET Core 3.0 application and serve documentation site.
- 👷 📙 docsify-js-tutorial - A guide to using DocsifyJS to setup and configure a docs site around your markdown docs. It is also built on DocsifyJS. @MichaelCurrin.
- docsify-notebooks - Template for building notebooks with DocsifyJS. Made with ❤️ by @MonkeyAndres.
- 🐳 docsify-docker - 🐋 Docisify Docker image. @sujaykumarh
- docsify-nightly - Nightly release for docsify. @sy-records.
- docker-docsify-pdf - Quickly create a PDF with a table of contents and a custom cover, using Docker. @kernoeb.
- WPDocsify - A magical documentation library for WordPress.
- 🐣docsify-Preview🐧 - A VSCode extension for previewing docsify markdown files in VSCode. Supports auto-refresh, sync scroll, open the Markdown from the preview, open the preview in the default browser.🍄
- docsify-share - A Plugin to add share button in your docsify. @coroo.
- docsify-count - Add word count for markdown files of docsify.(添加字数统计)@827652549.
- docsify-rtl - Add rtl and bidi support to docsify @koliberr136a1.
- docsify-remote-markdown - Load markdown docs from remote. @JerryC.
- docsify-pagination - Pagination for docsify @imyelo.
- docsify-plantuml - PlantUML for docsify @imyelo.
- docsify-puml - Docsify plugin to parse PlantUML content @indieatom.
- docsify-copy-code - A docsify plugin that copies Markdown code block to your clipboard @jperasmus.
- docsify-demo-box-vue - Write Vue demo in docsify with instant preview and jsfiddle integration @njleonzhang.
- docsify-demo-box-react - Write React jsx demo in docsify with instant preview and jsfiddle integration @njleonzhang.
- docsify-edit-on-github - Add Edit on GitHub button on every pages @njleonzhang.
- docsify-tabs - A docsify plugin for displaying tabbed content from markdown (@jhildenbiddle).
- docsify-katex - A docsify plugin for rendering LaTex math equations @upupming.
- docsify-pdf-embed - A docsify plugin for embedding PDF on any page @lazypanda10117.
- docsify-plugin-flexible-alerts - A docsify plugin to convert blockquotes into beautiful and configurable alerts using preconfigured or own styles and alert types. @fzankl.
- docsify-pdf-converter - Create PDF files based on your docsify project @meff34.
- docsify-commento - Append commento section to the bottom of every page @ndom91.
- docsify-gifcontrol - A docsify plugin that adds customizable player controls to GIFs. @adambergman from @gbodigital.
- docsify-example-panels - A plugin for rendering slate alike right example panels.
- docsify-glossary - A plugin to create a simple glossary for common terms.
- docsify-toc - Add a
Table of Contents
to your site. @mrpotatoes. - docsify-fontawesome - Add FontAwesome to documentation by tokens.
- docsify-footer-enh - Footer Enhancement plugin.
- docsify-mustache - A docsify plugin that allow preprocessing markdown documents with Mustache template engine.
- docsify-bitbucket - A docsify plugin that help using docsify with Bitbucket Server and Bitbucket Cloud.
- docsify-slides - A plugin for creating slideshow-like pages.
- docsify-Phaser - Enable Phaser code inside a docsify page.
- docsify-changelog-plugin - Integrates your changelog in a sweet panel.
- docsify-top-bannner-plugin - Add a simple and sweet banner at the top in order to announce something.
- docsify-dark-mode - Add dark mode support in your docsify site.
- docsify-valine - A docsify plugin that allows you to use a fast, simple & powerful comment system valine on your docsify pages.
- docsify-twemoji😀 - A plugin that allow parsing all emoji in style of twemoji for docsify.(推特 emoji)
- docsify-livere💬 - An easy-installing plugin for awesome comment system LiveRe on your docs.(来必力评论插件)
- docsify-select - Variably render content with select menus in markdown.
- docsify-mermaid - A plugin to render mermaid diagrams in docsify.
- docsify-plugin-carbon - A plugin to make you easy to add Carbon Ads to docsify.
- docsify-pangu - A docsify plugin for Chinese and English, numbers, symbols and automatically add spaces between. @sy-records.
- docsify-gtlfexplorer - A plugin to embed a manipulable 3D model in your documentation.
- docsify-corner - A enhancement plugin for more repo widgets in top right corner, such as
. @Koooooo-7 - docsify-autoHeader - Turn your markdown into a cascading numbered document. Great for large documentation without manually numbering all the headings. @markbattistella
- docsify-sidebarFooter - Add some links to the base of your sidebar - copyright year, company, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service.
- docsify-sidebar-collapse - Support docsify sidebar catalog expand and collapse.
- websequencediagrams-docsify - A plugin to embed WebSequenceDiagrams right into your documentation.
- docsify-material-icons - Add Material Icons to documentation by tokens.
- docsify-ethicalads - EthicalAds support for Docsify.
- docsify-wikilink - A plugin that allows wiki internal link syntax by using double square brackets like
[[pagename|link text]]
. - docsify-link-preview - A plugin to render link previews.
- docsify-pseudocode - A plugin to render pseudocode in docsify. @h-hg
- docsify-footer - A markdown _footer.md plugin for docsify-enabled sites. @alertbox.
- docsify-code-inline - Enables syntax highlighting for inline code as well, not just code fences. Never again will inline code look dull. @rakutentech
- docsify-beian - A plugin to add Chinese Beian Information in docsify. @HerbertHe
- docsify-progress - A plugin to render reading progress in docsify. @HerbertHe.
- docsify-codeblock-iframe - A plugin to provide markdown extra codeblock-iframe syntax support for docsify, just for supporting iframe rendering securely. @HerbertHe.
- docsify-kroki - A plugin to integration kroki into docsify. @zuisong.
- docsify-charty - Add some charts and graphs to your docsify website. Pie charts, doughnut charts, sectional, bar and column graphs, line and plot graphs, and a review block. Everything you need if you need to visualise some numbers!
- docsify-accordify - Easily use accordions in your docsify site. @atleastzero.
- docsify-plugin-title - Customize docisify page title. @sujaykumarh
- docsify-drawio - This is a docsify plugin that can convert drawio xml Data to a picture in your docs. @KonghaYao
- docsify-plugin-footer - Simplified docisify page footer. @sujaykumarh.
- docsify-demo - Docsify component demo, suited for lit.dev. @JacobWeinren
- docsify-nomnoml - A Docsify plugin to render Nomnoml-UML code fences (themeable).
- docsify-accordion - Small plugin to use accordions in your docsify documentations @isaozler.
- docsify-to-queryparam-markdown-engine - Use docsify as markdown engine, get markdown link from queryparam and render.(渲染query参数中的markdown文件)
- docsify-vega - A Docsify plugin to render Vega & Vegalite diagrams.
- docsify-swimlanes-io - A Docsify plugin to render swimlanes.io sequence diagrams.
- docsify-updated - Add update time for each of your docsify markdown.
- docsify-ko-fi - A Docsify plugin to render customized Ko-fi buttons from markdown.
- docsify-waline - A Docsify comment plugin for docsify that supports visitor statistics.
- docsify-image-caption - A plugin to show image caption. @h-hg
- docsify-chat - A docsify plugin for generate chat panel from markdown.
- docsify-pagination-keyboard-helper - A plugin for docsify site that enables you to turn pages quickly by using keyboard shortcuts.
- docsify-plugin-runkit - A docsify plugin for rendering and embedding interactive JavaScript REPLs powered by RunKit (@jhildenbiddle).
- docsify-plugin-ethicalads - A docsify.js plugin for rendering ad placements from EthicalAds (@jhildenbiddle).
- docsify-latex - A docsify.js plugin for typesetting LaTeX with display engines from markdown, @scruel.
- docsify-themeable - A delightfully simple theme system for docsify.js. Features multiple themes with rich customization options, an improved desktop and mobile experience, and legacy browser support (IE10+) (@jhildenbiddle).
- 🌙 docsify-darkly-theme - Dark theme for docsify. @sushantrahate.
- 🌓docsify-darklight-theme - It is a simple and highly customizable theme for docsify.js. Using this theme, documents will have a theme switcher to switch between
. See preview here. @boopathikumar.
- Eleme - vue-amap - A Map Component Library Base on Vue 2.x and Gaode Map.
- Alibaba - weex-ui
- UCWeb - UC 开放平台文档中心
- Qiniu - pandora
- Amazon - style-dictionary
- Netflix - Polly.js - Record, replay, and stub HTTP interactions.
- Microsoft - Web-Dev-For-Beginners - 24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer.
Contributions of any kind welcome, just follow the guidelines!