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CJ Kucera edited this page Jan 29, 2023 · 4 revisions


Author: Mintbloke

Last Updated: August 04, 2017

In Categories: Sniper Rifles

Download Methods

Link to Mod File
(right click and "Save Link As")
View on Github
(after clicking on a mod, right click on "Raw" or
"Download," and then "Save Link As")

Description (from inside mod)

\______   \ ____ |    |/ _|)/______
|       _// __ \|      <   \_  __ \
|    |   \  ___/|    |  \   |  | \
|____|_  /\___  >____|__ \  |__|
\/     \/        \
Changes Pimpernel
Aiming down sights make you unload whole mag
Much faster reload speed
3x weapon projectile
ammo regen, faster when aiming down sights
first mod ever made :)


Wiki Links

Borderlands 2 Mods

Pre-Sequel Mods

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