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Spec Form API Methods

jdubs edited this page Oct 23, 2016 · 4 revisions


Four51 Spec Form API is a collection of JavaScript functions made available to administrator users who have been granted permission to use Advanced Scripting in their product's spec forms. These methods are designed to ease the complexity of JavaScript by identifying common programming tasks specific to spec forms and creating alternative, easy to understand functions. Included in each methods definition are the parameter signatures. Parameters surrounded with [] are considered optional. If not marked optional you should consider required.


  1. addOption
  2. addOptions
  3. autoTab
  4. clearText
  5. counter
  6. dimlabel
  7. get (id)
  8. getOptionIndex
  9. getSelectedOptionIndex
  10. hide
  11. hideAllOptions
  12. hideOption
  13. hideOptionAt
  14. hideOptionRange
  15. hideOptionRangeAt
  16. hideOptions
  17. imgSrc
  18. insertOption
  19. mask
  20. removeAllOptions
  21. removeOption
  22. removeOptionAt
  23. removeOptionRange
  24. removeOptionRangeAt
  25. removeOptions
  26. selectedText
  27. selectedValue
  28. selectOption
  29. setPopup
  30. setText
  31. show
  32. showAllOptions
  33. showIf
  34. showOption
  35. showOptionAt
  36. showOptionRange
  37. showOptionRangeAt
  38. showOptions
  39. toggle
  40. trigger

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