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Welcome to the GeomScale Google Summer of Code wiki!
This wiki will be the central hub of information regarding the GeomScale participation in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020. Administrators are Vissarion Fisikopoulos (vissarion.fisikopoulos@gmail.com) and Apostolos Chalkis (tolis.chal@gmail.com).
Everyone who wants to participate in Google Summer of Code with GeomScale should:
- read the GSoC Overview and Google FAQ so you know how GSoC works,
- join the low-traffic google group geomscale-gsoc@googlegroups.com.
In short, each student selected for a GSoC project will get paid to work on a GeomScale related project for 3 months during the summer:
- Mentors can add projects to give ideas to students.
- Students should look at the list of projects to see if any project interests them. Before emailing project mentors, please do at least one project test and post a link to your solution on the proposal’s wiki page. Then email the project mentors to express your interest, and describe any prior experience.
- If a student can provide a link to a C++/R repository with at least 1,000 lines, non-coursework open source code this will definitely strengthen their application. Code should have been open sourced at least three months ago, and show a log of commits improving the library over time.
- After opening communication with project mentors, each student must write an application with a detailed timeline, following this application template. Successful applications are shared with mentors for feedback before submission of a final application on Google.
- For real time communication students and mentors can use gitter.
- If GeomScale is accepted as a GSoC project, Google will award a certain number of student slots.
- The project administrators and mentors of GeomScale will rank projects in order of application quality and importance to the GeomScale project, and the top projects will be funded.
- Students get paid a stipend by Google for writing free/open-source code for 3 months during the summer.
- Mentors get code written for their project, but no money.
See: table of proposed coding projects
Useful events from the official timeline:
When | What |
Feb 5 | Mentoring organization application deadline |
Feb 20 | List of accepted mentoring organizations published |
Mar 31 | Student application deadline |
May 18 - Aug 17 | Student coding period |
June 19 | Phase 1 evaluations |
July 17 | Phase 2 evaluations |
Aug 24 | Final evaluations |
Name:Rohit Email:phoenixrao885@gmail.com GitHub:https://github.com/phoenixrao885/gsoc-monte-carlo-solutions Test done :monte carlo integration -Easy,Medium,Hard,Bonus
Name: Prajwal Bagal Email: prajwalbagal99@gmail.com Github: https://github.com/Prajwalbagal/GeomScaleTest
Name:Abhishek Agrawal Email:abhishekagrawal8764@gmail.com GitHub:Easy-task: https://github.com/abhishek8764/Monte-Carlo-Integration
Name: Divesh Kuamar Email: f20170875@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in Task-Link(Easy Randomized LP solver): https://github.com/diveshkr-code/Geomscale_Gsoc2020`
Name: Deifilia To Email: deifilia.to@mail.mcgill.ca Task-link: (Easy and Medium of Apothesis): https://github.com/DeifiliaTo/Apothesis_gsoc
Name: Soumyajit Chakraborty Email: soumyajit1729@gmail.com Task-Link(Easy Task of Apothesis): https://github.com/soumyajit1729/Apothesis
Name: Soumyajit Chakraborty Email: soumyajit1729@gmail.com Task-Link(Medium Task of Apothesis): https://github.com/soumyajit1729/Apothesis
Name: Soumyajit Chakraborty Email: soumyajit1729@gmail.com Task-Link(Hard Task of Apothesis): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mX4UA3x8cs6--aCZ_cN2ZNB6jr3eC7P5sbiEB92YEC0/edit?usp=sharing
Name:Abhishek Agrawal Email:abhishekagrawal8764@gmail.com GitHub:Medium-task: https://github.com/abhishek8764/Monte-Carlo-Integration
Name: Alexandros Manochis, Email: alex.manochis@gmail.com, Github: https://github.com/AlexManochis/volume_approximation/tree/gsoc20, Project: A comparative study of uniform high dimensional samplers, Tests completed: Easy, Medium, Hard
Name: Sunit Gautam Email: gsunit@iitk.ac.in, gautamsunit6206@gmail.com GitHub: https://github.com/gsunit/Monte-Carlo-Intergration Tasks completed: Monte Carlo integration - Easy, Medium, Hard
Name: Vaibhav Thakkar
Email: vaibhav.thakkar.22.12.99@gmail.com
GitHub: https://github.com/vaithak/GeomScale_LP
Tasks completed: Randomized LP - Easy, Medium, Hard
Name: Sharat Bhat Email: iamsharatbhat@gmail.com Github: https://github.com/Sharat-Bhat Tasks: https://github.com/Sharat-Bhat/GSoC_volesti
Name: Kunal Katiyar Email: katiyarkunal2011@gmail.com GitHub: https://github.com/KunalKatiyar/GSoC_RandLP
Name: Reyan Ahmed Email: abureyanahmed@email.arizona.edu GitHub: https://github.com/abureyanahmed/VolEsti_test
Name:Abhishek Agrawal Email:abhishekagrawal8764@gmail.com GitHub:Easy-task: https://github.com/abhishek8764/A-comparative-study-of-uniform-high-dimensional-samplers
Name: Sushovan Haldar Email: sushovan97@gmail.com Github: Easy task of using volesti : https://github.com/SushovanHaldar/geomscalecodes
Name: Anastasios Sourpis Email: sourpisa@gmail.com Github: Apothesis : https://github.com/pithonas/Apothesis
Name: Daniel Pozo Email: danipozo@correo.ugr.es GitHub: https://github.com/danipozo/uld-test-solutions
Name: Iasonas Nikolaou Email: iasonasnikolaou11@hotmail.com GitHub: (Easy and medium task, randomized LP) https://github.com/jasonNikolaou/GeomScale_gsoc
Name: Fernando Martin Email: fdmartin92 (at) gmail (dot) com GitHub: https://github.com/fmartin92/GeomScale_MonteCarlo (All tasks corresponding to the Monte Carlo integration proposal)
Name: Marios Papachristou Email: papachristoumarios [at) gmail (dot] com GitHub: https://github.com/papachristoumarios/geomscales-challenge (All challenges for ULD)
Name: Eugenio Borghini Email: eugenusb@gmail.com GitHub: https://github.com/eugenusb/GeomScale_LP (Easy and medium test projects for the randomized LP solver)
Name: Muhammad Ali Nayeem Email: nayeem007@gmail.com GitHub: https://github.com/ali-nayeem Test: https://github.com/ali-nayeem/gsoc2020_rand_LP_solver
Name: Bychkov Andrey Email: abychkov@edu.hse.ru GitHub: https://github.com/AndreyBychkov Test: https://github.com/AndreyBychkov/LIPA (Hard for Optimization and SOS)
Name: Yuan Yuan Email: yzy0014@auburn.edu Github:https://github.com/yzy0014 Test:https://github.com/yzy0014/GeomScale Test demo:https://rpubs.com/yzy0014/584976, https://rpubs.com/yzy0014/585064 (High dimensional sampling with applications to structural biology)
Name: Haris Zafeiropoulos Email: haris-zaf@hcmr.gr Github:https://github.com/hariszaf/ Test:https://hariszaf.github.io/gsoc2020/
Name: Mokhwa Lee
Email: pos00102@gmail.com OR mokhwa.lee@stonybrook.edu
Github: https://github.com/Mokhwalee
Test: https://github.com/Mokhwalee/Exercise-Gsos
( Monte Carlo - Easy, Medium, Hard, Bonus )
Name: Antonis Skarlatos
Email: antonisskarlatosj@gmail.com
Github: https://github.com/Hepic/
Test: https://github.com/Hepic/Monte-Carlo-integration
(Monte-Carlo-integration: easy/medium/hard/bonus Languages used: R/C++)
Name: Konstantinos Emmanouilidis
Email: emmanouilidis.kons@gmail.com
Github: https://github.com/emmanouilidisk
Test: https://github.com/emmanouilidisk/GeomScale_challenges
(Challenges for Randomised LP Solver)
Name: Imrane Belhadia Email: imrane.belhadia@polymtl.ca Github:https://github.com/ImraneBELH Test: https://github.com/ImraneBELH/gsocEvaluation-MonteCarlo.git (Monte Carlo)
Name: Repouskos Panagiotis Email: panagiotisrep@gmail.com Github: https://github.com/panagiotisrep/volume_approximation/tree/Optimization , https://github.com/panagiotisrep/volume_approximation/tree/SDP-cutting-plane Test: Randomized SDP solver (medium, hard)
Name: Mohammad Taufeeque
Email: 9taufeeque9@gmail.com
Github: https://github.com/taufeeque9
Test: https://github.com/taufeeque9/GSoC_Randomized_SDP_Solver_Test
(Easy and hard task for Randomized SDP Solver)
Name: Bento Natura
Email: b.natura@lse.ac.uk
Github: https://github.com/platformconclude/volume_approximation/tree/spectra_sampling
Test: Randomized SDP solver (medium)
Github: https://github.com/platformconclude/simple_LP_IPM
Test: Interior point method for linear programming (IPM)
Name: Ritwik Chakraborty
Email: ritwikchakraborty.ritwik@gmail.com
Github: https://github.com/ritwikchakraborty123
Test: :A comparative study of uniform high-dimensional samplers (medium)