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Cloaked edited this page Jun 10, 2020 · 1 revision

Camera Variables This stuff is taken directly from "Camera.lua".

From Camera.cpp:

  • nearClip set this as big as possible without causing clipping problems when zoomed in on small ships
  • farClip set this as small as possible, but large enough to see megalith and planets across the universe
  • verticalFOV
  • cameraDefaultMaxDistance How far the camera can zoom out
  • cameraDistanceMax max distance possible in the in game options screen
  • cameraDistanceMin min distance possible in the in game options screen
  • cameraMaxDeclination The steepest angle the camera can get to looking DOWN
  • cameraMinDeclination The steepest angle the camera can get to looking UP

From CameraControl.cpp

  • cameraTrackingAngleSpeedAuto Controls how fast the camera interpolates when automatically controlled
  • cameraTrackingAngleSpeedUser Controls how fast the camera interpolates when controlled by the user
  • cameraTrackingPositionSpeed how many camera tracking steps to do in total (Magic Cubic Evaluation)
  • cameraTrackingPositionThreshold how close to target we are to track (Magic Cubic Evaluation)
  • cameraTrackingPositionBase the logarithmic base in which camera tracking is done (Magic Cubic Evaluation)
  • cameraTrackingTimeSteps how many camera tracking steps are done per second
  • CAM_CUBIC_EVAL_TWEAK tweakable - linear/exponential tracking
  • CAM_CUBIC_EVAL_ANGLE_TWEAK tweakable - angle tracking
  • cameraFloatEnableTime the number of seconds it takes float to transition on or off
  • cameraFloatShape affects the pattern of the motion
  • cameraFloatFrequency the frequency multiplier for camera float
  • cameraFloatAmplitude the amplitude multiplier for camera float
  • cameraFloatDistanceFactor the camera float distance factor

From InGameCamera.cpp

  • cameraZoomFactor This value affects the MOUSEWHEEL zoom rate
  • cameraZoomDecel This value affects the MOUSEWHEEL zoom rate deceleration
  • cameraDragZoomScalar This value affects the Left-Right Drag zoom rate
  • cameraDragRotateScalar This value affects the Right Drag camera rotate rate
  • cameraMouseWheelTrackingTimeSteps This value affects the MOUSEWHEEL zoom rate
  • cameraMouseWheelEvalThreshold The threshold at which the mousewheel zoom stops evaluating
  • cameraMouseWheelZoomTrack How quickly the mousewheel zoom tracks

From CameraCommand.cpp

RENDER_VIEWABLE_DISTANCE_SM_SQR render list distance (the one and only, for now)

RENDER_VIEWABLE_DISTANCE_SQR render list distance (the one and only, for now)

RENDER_VIEWABLE_DISTANCE_MIN_SQR render list min distance used in the in game options screen

RENDER_VIEWABLE_DISTANCE_MAX_SQR render list max distance used in the in game options screen

MAX_CAMERA_STACKS the maximum number of C/V camera focal points

cameraTwkPanSpeedFactor the factor (multiplied by camera distance) that defines the pan speed

cameraTwkMinPanSpeed the minimum camera pan speed

cameraTwkMaxPanSpeed the maximum camera pan speed

cameraTwkPanUnderFactor the factor that determines when to flip the camera under panning direction. Only applies to PAN_VerticalGoesForwardLocked

panVerticalZone the distance from the edge of the screen before panning starts vertically ( in percentage of the screen )

panHorizontalZone the distance from the edge of the screen before panning starts horizontally (in percentage of the screen)

panModel camera panning model to use. Choices: PAN_VerticalGoesForward, PAN_VerticalGoesForwardLocked, PAN_VerticalGoesUp

panModifierKey ALT is 18. If you want another key, you'll have to ask a programmer. Temporary until proper key bindings is in.

panModifierAction when the panModifierKey is pressed, this will happen. Choices: PMA_Unused, PMA_Required, PMA_UpWorld, PMA_UpCamera

cameraTwkPanAccelTime how long it takes the camera pan to accelerate to max speed

cameraTwkPanAccelCurve exponent of the acceleration curve

cameraTwkPanUnfocussedDist if focussed on nothing, pretend zoomed out at least this far for panning purposes


retainDistanceFocusCloser retain distance if focussing on an on-screen object that's closer to camera

retainDistanceFocusFarther retain distance if focussing on an on-screen object that's farther from camera

farClipCullFactor factor of the camera's max zoom that will be used for the focus culling radius


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