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Variable; ProfilePlayerConfig

Cloaked edited this page Jun 10, 2020 · 1 revision

From "bin\profiles\profile<n>\playercfg.lua".

version integer
GameSettings table

<sGameRuleName> table

<sSettingName> value depends on the setting

lastmplevel table: char IDs (integers)
lastcampaign string: name of campaign
<sCampaignName> table

started integer: first-played mission
scenario integer: currently-selected mission
maxmission integer: last-played mission
mostrecentsave string: most recent save-game name

PlayerSlots table

[<iPlayerID>] table

difficulty integer
team integer
race integer
open integer
position integer

CPUSettings table


emblem string: path to "*.tga" file.
stripecolour table: RGB components (integers: 0 to 255)
teamcolour table: RGB components (integers: 0 to 255)

animatics table

unlocked table: strings paths to animatics "*.lua" files

lastmpgamerules table: char IDs (integers)
PlayerSetup table

record = 0 boolian
stripecolour table: RGB components (integers: 0 to 255)
teamcolour table: RGB components (integers: 0 to 255)
emblem string: path to "*.tga" file
colorswatches table

[<iIndex>] table: RGB components (integers: 0 to 255)

taskbar integer
chatname string: alias of player

Options table

FXOptions table

lightLOD boolian
weaponFX boolian
damageFX boolian
distanceFog boolian
shadows boolian
hyperspaceQuality boolian
goblins boolian
backgrounds boolian
autoLOD boolian

AudioOptions table

musicVolume float: 0 to 1
sfxChannels integer
speechVolume float: 0 to 1
uiVolume float: 0 to 1
sfxVolume float: 0 to 1
soundQuality float: 0 to 1
voiceFrequency float: 0 to 1
enableSelectionSpeech boolian
enableBattleChatter boolian

ControlsOptions table

keys table

VideoOptions table

textureQuality unknown number
minLOD integer
screenResolutionW integer
screenResolutionH integer
maxLOD integer
anisotropicFiltering boolian
enableVsync boolian
shadowResolution boolian

GameplayOptions table

enableMilitary boolian
enablePan boolian
enableRightClickMenu boolian
enableNLIPS boolian
mouseSensitivity float: 0 to 1
orderFeedbackDelay float

lastsplevel table: char IDs (integers)
warnings table


Page Status

Updated Formatting? Initial
Updated for HWRM? Initial

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