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Joshua edited this page Nov 15, 2023 · 28 revisions

List of example properties in each available FX style.

fx = { 
   style = "", 
   properties = {}, 



Variable Description
Emitter_Duration Emitter duration, in seconds
Emitter_ScaleSpeed Scale the speed of particles by the fx_scale parameter
Emitter_Direction 0: Normal, 1: World Up, 2: World Down
Emitter_InheritVelocity Percentage of parents velocity that is inherited by particles. 0.0 to 1.0
Emitter_Drag Speed at which the velocity of a particle decays. 0.0 to 1.0
Emitter_Rate Number of particles emitted in a second
Emitter_Rate_LOD% Percentage of the rate that we can reduce emission to.
Emitter_Deviation Cone of emission, in degrees
Emitter_RotRate Emitter rotation rate, in degrees / second
Particle_Fx Name of fx to be used as a particle
Particle_Dynamics 0:Forw, 1:Grav(Die), 2:Grav(Bounce) 3:Grav(Stick), 4:Wind, 5:Water, 6:Local, 7:Land, 8:Grav(Ign ore), 9:Surface, 10:Gravwell
Gravwell_Strength The strength at which a Gravwell dynamic is applied
Particle_Scale Multiplies the scale of spawned fx depending on the age of the emitter
Force_First Force a spawn of one particle the first frame


property_00 = { name = "Emitter_Duration", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 5, }   
property_01 = { name = "Emitter_Loop", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 1, }   
property_02 = { name = "Emitter_ScaleSpeed", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 0, }  
property_03 = { name = "Emitter_Direction", type = "VARTYPE_INT", value = 0, }   
property_04 = { name = "Emitter_InheritVelocity", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0, }  
property_05 = { name = "Emitter_Drag", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0.95000, }  
property_06 = { name = "Emitter_Rate", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 2.28333, 1, 2.24167, },}   
property_07 = { name = "Emitter_Rate_LOD%", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0, 1, 0, }, }  
property_08 = { name = "Emitter_Deviation", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 20, 1, 25, }, }  
property_09 = { name = "Emitter_Volume", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEVECTOR3", value = { entry_00 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, entry_01 = { 1, 0, 0, 0, }, }, }  
property_10 = { name = "Emitter_Offset", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEVECTOR3", value = { entry_00 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, entry_01 = { 1, 0, 0, 0, }, }, }   
property_11 = { name = "Particle_Speed", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 8.73333, 1, 8.20000, }, }  
property_12 = { name = "Emitter_RotRate", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0, 1, 0, }, }   
property_13 = { name = "Particle_Fx", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "BOARDING_BEAM_SMOKE", }  
property_14 = { name = "Particle_Dynamics", type = "VARTYPE_INT", value = 0, }   
property_15 = { name = "Gravwell_Strength", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 9.81000, 1, 9.81000, }, }   
property_16 = { name = "Particle_Scale", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 1.50000, 1, 1.50000, }, }   
property_17 = { name = "Force_First", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 0, }  



Variable Description
Duration Emitter duration, in seconds
Blending 0: None, 1: Alpha, 2: Additive, 3: Multiply, 4: AdditiveAlpha
CastLight Cast beam light?
NonVisible Hide beam graphics?
Length Scaled length of beam (0.0-1.0)
Segments Number of segments in beam (to be used with noise)
LightTrim Push the light away from its origin by X
LightWidth Scalar of width for light area of affect
LightCurve Light attenuation curve
LightBoost Light color scale - allows for stronger beams
LengthEpsilon Length random modifier (0.0-1.0)
WidthEpsilon Width random modifier (0.0-1.0)
LineDistance The distance from the camera at which the beam renders as a line (set to -1 for no lines)


property_00 = { name = "Duration", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 1.50000, }   
property_01 = { name = "Loop", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 1, }   
property_02 = { name = "Blending", type = "VARTYPE_INT", value = 2, }   
property_03 = { name = "Texture", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "DATA:ART/FX/PROJECTILES/SINGLE_SMALL.TGA", }   
property_04 = { name = "SelfIlluminated", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 1, }   
property_05 = { name = "Offset", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEVECTOR3", value = { entry_00 = { 0, -2, 0, 0, }, entry_01 = { 1, -5, 0, 200, }, }, }   
property_06 = { name = "Length", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 140, 1, 140, }, }   
property_07 = { name = "Noise", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0, 1, 0, }, }   
property_08 = { name = "Segments", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 1, 1, 1, }, }   
property_09 = { name = "Texture_U_Offset", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0, 1, 0, }, }   
property_10 = { name = "Texture_U_Repeat", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 1, 1, 1, }, }   
property_11 = { name = "Width", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 2, 1, 2, }, }  
property_12 = { name = "Colour", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMECOLOUR", value = { entry_00 = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, }, entry_01 = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, }, }, }   
property_13 = { name = "Arc", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEVECTOR3", value = { entry_00 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, entry_01 = { 1, 0, 0, 0, }, }, }   
property_14 = { name = "LengthEpsilon", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0.30000, }  
property_15 = { name = "WidthEpsilon", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0.15000, }  
property_15 = { name = "LightCurve", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 2.50000, 1, 2.50000, }, },
property_04 = { name = "CastLight", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 0, },
property_05 = { name = "NonVisible",type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 0, },
property_13 = { name = "Light", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMECOLOUR", value = { entry_00 = { 0, 0.52830, 0.69125,1, 1, }, entry_01 = { .52830, 0.69125, 1, 1, }, }, },
property_14 = { name = "LightWidth", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 5, 1, 5, }, },
property_20 = { name = "LineDistance", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = -1, },
property_17 = { name = "LightBoost", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 1, 1, 1, }, },
property_14 = { name = "LightTrim", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0, },



Variable Description
SpinX Spin around X axis in Degrees
SpinY Spin around Y axis in Degrees
SpinZ Spin around Z axis in Degrees (used for billboards)
RadiusEpsilon Radius random modifier (0.0-1.0)
RateEpsilon Rate random modifier (0.0-1.0)
SpinEpsilonX Spin random modifier in X (0.0-1.0)
SpinEpsilonY Spin random modifier in Y (0.0-1.0)
SpinEpsilonZ Spin random modifier in Z (0.0-1.0)
BeamScale When not zero, sets the off-axis scale used with beam length to stretch...
SpinRandom Spin random direction
UseMesh Set to true to use a mesh instead of a texture
UseDepthTest Set to true to allow depth sorting of mesh
UseDepthSort Depth Sort the particles of this type
AlternateFOV Use the alternate FOV (for rendering FX on the background)
Blending 0: None, 1: Alpha, 2: Additive, 3: Multiply, 4: AdditiveAlpha
Texture Name of texture
Mesh Name of mesh - related to HardDot, SoftDot, FOWDot, Invisible for SMRepresentation in .ship
Spawn_Fx Name of fx that will be spawned when this one dies
BirthSpawn_Fx Name of fx that will be spawned when this one is created, attached to it
RandomBitmap Choose one frame from the animated texture to use
SortOrder If not zero this value will be used to determine rendering order
DepthOffset For billboards this will adjust the depth of the ring, in the viewing direction
PointDistance The distance from the camera at which the ring renders as a point (set to -1 for no points)


property_00 = { name = "Radius", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0, 0.05046, 1.71332, 0.09047, 2.30685, 0.15866, 2.92545, 0.20625, 7.91304, 0.24875, 8.74203, 0.31000, 9.25217, 0.48625, 9.76232, 0.90125, 10.27246, 1, 10.80000, }, }, 
property_01 = { name = "Offset", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEVECTOR3", value = { entry_00 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, entry_01 = { 1, 0, 0, 0, }, }, }  
property_02 = { name = "SpinX", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0, 1, 0, }, }  
property_03 = { name = "SpinY", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0, 1, 0, }, }  
property_04 = { name = "SpinZ", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0, 1, 0, }, }  
property_05 = { name = "Colour", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMECOLOUR", value = { entry_02 = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, }, entry_00 = { 0, 0.43396, 0.43396, 0.43396, 1, }, entry_01 = {0.34478, 0.49057, 0.49057, 0.49057, 1, }, }, }  
property_06 = { name = "RadiusEpsilon", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 1, }  
property_07 = { name = "RateEpsilon", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0, }  
property_08 = { name = "SpinEpsilonX", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0, }  
property_09 = { name = "SpinEpsilonY", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0, }  
property_10 = { name = "SpinEpsilonZ", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0, }, }  
property_11 = { name = "SpinRandom", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 0, }  
property_12 = { name = "Duration", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0.50000, }  
property_13 = { name = "UseMesh", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 0, }  
property_14 = { name = "UseDepthTest", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 0, }  
property_15 = { name = "UseDepthSort", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 1, }  
property_16 = { name = "Loop", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 0, }  
property_17 = { name = "AlternateFOV", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 0, }  
property_18 = { name = "Billboard", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 1, }  
property_19 = { name = "SelfIlluminated", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 1, }  
property_20 = { name = "Blending", type = "VARTYPE_INT", value = 2, }  
property_21 = { name = "Texture", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "DATA:ART/FX/ENERGYCLOUDS/FLASHLINE_TIGHT.TGA", }  
property_22 = { name = "Mesh", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "DATA:ART/FX/SURFACE_EXPLOSION/SPHERE_FULL.HOD", }  
property_23 = { name = "Spawn_Fx", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "", }  
property_24 = { name = "BirthSpawn_Fx", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "", }  
property_25 = { name = "RandomBitmap", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 0, }  
property_26 = { name = "SortOrder", type = "VARTYPE_INT", value = 6, }  
property_27 = { name = "DepthOffset", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 50, }  
property_28 = { name = "PointDistance", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = -1, }  



Variable Description
Priority 0 is high priority, 1 is low priority
???? (unable to determine in exe)


property_00 = { name = "Radius", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0, 0.08375, 102.94511, 0.14750, 0, 0.19000, 0, 0.19875, 60.05040, 0.23625, 2.13333, 0.28500, 101.71954, 0.36375, 0, 0.56375, 0, 0.61625, 72.30602, 0.68500, 0, 0.72625, 44.11808, 0.76375, 0, 0.80625, 0, 0.83875, 33.08801, 0.92000, 0, 1, 0, }, }, }  
property_01 = { name = "Colour", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMECOLOUR", value = { entry_02 = { 1, 0.55660, 0.23200, 0.03151, 1, }, entry_00 = { 0, 0.59434, 0.27515, 0.02803, 1, }, entry_01 = { 0.51642, 0.66038, 0.23900, 0.08099, 1, }, }, }  
property_02 = { name = "Offset", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEVECTOR3", value = { entry_00 = { 0, 0, 0, 10, }, entry_01 = { 1, 0, 0, 10, }, }, }  
property_03 = { name = "Loop", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 1, }  
property_04 = { name = "Duration", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 5, }  
property_05 = { name = "Priority", type = "VARTYPE_INT", value = 0, }   



Variable Description
LineWidth The width of the vector lines
Blending 0: None, 1: Alpha, 2: Additive, 3: Multiply, 4: AdditiveAlpha
Texture Name of texture
EdgeTexture Name of edge texture
EdgeTexture2 Name of edge texture


property_00 = { name = "Width", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 
0,  0, 
0.01734, 0, 
0.03842, 0.02500, 
0.05965, 0.09167, 
0.07519, 0.21667, 
0.11462, 0.72500, 
0.12633, 0.84167, 
0.14584, 0.92083, 
0.16771, 0.96250, 
0.19659, 0.97500, 
0.85251, 0.97500, 
0.87516, 0.95625, 
0.89019, 0.91875, 
0.90183, 0.83750, 
0.91029, 0.73750, 
0.94642, 0.15417, 
0.95899, 0.06458, 
0.97157, 0.02500, 
0.98582, 0.00208, 
1,  0, 
property_01 = { name = "Height", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 
0,  0, 
0.20125, 0, 
0.22000, 0.01458, 
0.23179, 0.04583, 
0.23679, 0.10519, 
0.24307, 0.18793, 
0.27763, 0.64228, 
0.29082, 0.81876, 
0.29875, 0.90833, 
0.31280, 0.96273, 
0.33039, 0.99292, 
0.35249, 0.99567, 
0.69022, 0.99477, 
0.72533, 0.99182, 
0.74234, 0.96817, 
0.75481, 0.90906, 
0.76455, 0.82631, 
0.81242, 0.14361, 
0.82125, 0.07083, 
0.83500, 0.01667, 
0.85375, 0, 
1,  0, 
property_02 = { name = "Offset", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEVECTOR3", value = {entry_00 = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, entry_01 = { 0.34328, 0, 0, 1, }, entry_02 = { 0.70299, 0, 0, -1, }, entry_03 = { 1, 0, 0, -1, }, }, }  
property_03 = { name = "LineWidth", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0, 0.01750, 0.89167, 0.29500, 0.89167, 0.33750, 1.75000, 0.80875, 1.74584, 0.86750, 0.55000, 1, 0.55000, }, }  
property_04 = { name = "EdgeTexture_U_Offset", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0, 1, 1.20000, }, }  
property_05 = { name = "EdgeTexture_U_Repeat",type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 1, 1, 1, }, }  
property_06 = { name = "EdgeTexture2_U_Offset", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 0.33333, 1, 0, }, }  
property_07 = { name = "EdgeTexture2_U_Repeat", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 3, 1, 3, }, }  
property_08 = { name = "Colour", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMECOLOUR", value = { entry_00 = { 0, 0, 0.12350, 0.67925, 1, }, entry_01 = { 1, 0, 0.33139, 0.65094, 1, }, }, }  
property_09 = { name = "EdgeColour", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMECOLOUR", value = { 
entry_00 = { 0, 0.14071, 0.20260, 0.48113, 1, }  
entry_01 = { 0.11045, 0.08900, 0.32558, 0.47170, 1, }   
entry_02 = { 0.22090, 0.00936, 0.22293, 0.30189, 1, }  
entry_03 = { 0.30448, 0.21075, 0.28116, 0.34906, 1, }  
entry_04 = { 0.53134, 0.18797, 0.29391, 0.45283, 1, }   
entry_05 = { 0.65672, 0, 0.29983, 0.35849, 1, }  
entry_06 = { 0.81940, 0.11392, 0.23366, 0.37736, 1, }  
entry_07 = { 0.92090, 0.14549, 0.12513, 0.34906, 1, }  
entry_08 = { 1, 0.24689, 0.24891, 0.35849, 1, }, }, }   
property_10 = { name = "Duration", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 10, }, }   
property_11 = { name = "Blending", type = "VARTYPE_INT", value = 2, }  
property_12 = { name = "Texture", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "DATA:ART/FX/HYPERSPACE FX/HYPERSPACE_EFFECT_BEAM.TGA", }  
property_13 = { name = "EdgeTexture", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "DATA:ART/FX/TEXTURES/HYPERSPACE_EDGE1.TGA", }  
property_14 = { name = "EdgeTexture2", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "DATA:ART/FX/TEXTURES/HYPERSPACE_EDGE2.TGA",}   



Variable Description
LensFlare Name of LensFlare file
Infinite Does the lensflare appear on the background


property_00 = { name = "Radius", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMEFLOAT", value = { 0, 50, 1, 50, }, }, }  
property_01 = { name = "Colour", type = "VARTYPE_ARRAY_TIMECOLOUR", value = { entry_00 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.39623, }, entry_01 = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.37736, }, }, }  
property_02 = { name = "LensFlare", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "Frigate_Flare", }  
property_03 = { name = "Duration", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 100, }   
property_04 = { name = "Infinite", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 0, }   


property_00 = { name = "Fx1", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "DEBRIS_SHIP_CHUNK01", }, }  
property_01 = { name = "Fx2", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "", }   
property_02 = { name = "FX3", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "", }  
property_03 = { name = "FX4", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "", }   
property_04 = { name = "FX5", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "", }   
property_05 = { name = "FX6", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "", }   
property_06 = { name = "FX7", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "", }   
property_07 = { name = "FX8", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "", }  



Variable Description
Length Length, in seconds
Blending 0: None, 1: Alpha, 2: Additive, 3: Multiply, 4: AdditiveAlpha
FadeOutTime Time, in seconds
Duration Duration, in seconds
LengthEpsilon Length random modifier (0.0-1.0)
DurationEpsilon Duration random modifier (0.0-1.0)
WidthEpsilon Width random modifier (0.0-1.0)
LineDistance The distance from the camera at which the beam renders as a line (set to -1 for no lines)


property_00 = { name = "Length", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 1, }   
property_01 = { name = "Width", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 5, }   
property_02 = { name = "Blending", type = "VARTYPE_INT", value = 2, }   
property_03 = { name = "Texture", type = "VARTYPE_STRING", value = "DATA:ART/FX/BULLET_SPLASH/FLARE_BLUE.TGA", }   
property_04 = { name = "ColourHead", type = "VARTYPE_COLOUR", value = { 0, 0, 1, 0, }, }   
property_05 = { name = "ColourTail", type = "VARTYPE_COLOUR", value = { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, }   
property_06 = { name = "Billboard", type = "VARTYPE_BOOL", value = 1, }   
property_07 = { name = "DeathRate", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 2, }   
property_08 = { name = "FadeOutTime", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0, }   
property_09 = { name = "Duration", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 2, }   
property_10 = { name = "LengthEpsilon", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0.50000, }, }   
property_11 = { name = "DurationEpsilon", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0.50000, }  
property_12 = { name = "WidthEpsilon", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = 0.50000, }  
property_13 = { name = "LineDistance", type = "VARTYPE_FLOAT", value = -1, }  
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