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Adaptive Hint System

Nicola Dau edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 3 revisions


  • Provide the player with hints tailored to their experience to help them get the help they need when they need it


A system of dynamic tips that appear when certain conditions are met by the player on a puzzle. These tips are puzzle specific by default and can be scripted directly by the designers using the Puzzle Manager.


Parameter Name (Boolean) Controller Details
Time Spent in Puzzle float Check how long the player has been in this specific puzzle
Number of Code Blocks Used int Check how many Code Blocks the player is currently using in all Golems
Type of Code Blocks Used Code Blocks Check wether the player is using a certain block or not
Play Button Pressed int Check how many times the player has played the simulaion in this specific puzzle
Editing chip during Play Mode bool Check if the player is trying to click on the Golems' chip during Play Mode
Grade Achieved in Puzzle string (S, A, B, C) Check the Grade that the player has achieved in this puzzle when completing it
Total Efficiency Score int Check the total Efficiency Score that the player has when entering and completing the puzzle
Puzzles Completed int Check the number of Puzzles that the player has already completed
bool Check if this is the first time that the player enters the puzzle or not


  • New parameters should be easily added or removed
  • If the designers can't handplace them, the tips shouldn't overlap with any other UI element.


A Features (Required)

  • The ability for designers to write a series of tips that are puzzle specific
  • The tips only appear when the conditions, hand chosen for each tip, are met by the player
  • The designers can tick a bool in each tip to make them "Universal", meaning that they will appear in any puzzle if the player meets the parameter
  • The designers can tick a bool in each tip to decide if the tip should always appear or if the tip should stop appearing after a number of times. If the designers want to make the tip stop appearing, they can control how many times the tip can appear before not appearing again

B Features (Desired)

  • The ability for designers to decide the specific screen location in which each tip will appear, with a unique position per tip
  • Dynamic location for each tip that changes depending on the situation, like a tip that always appears on top of specific Golems or other gameplay elements in the same way as the Player Interaction system does.# Reference


Adobe XD Mockup

Extension Ideas

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