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Virtual Effects Overview

Natan Walentin-Konieczny edited this page May 19, 2021 · 1 revision

All complete Virtual effects can be found under the following project directory.

Content > PrototypeStuff > ParticleEffects

The directory then branches into 2 folders

  • Niagara
  • Standard Particles (Cascade)

These particles can be easily placed at any time into the scene. For cascade particles just click and drag files designated with a ''P_'' naming scheme.

For Niagara Particle Effects place ''NS_'' files into the scene as Niagara require NiagaraSystems.

Most particle effects cannot be changed without accessing their source implementation. Only select few have been opened up to an extent.

List of Particle Effects Available

Type Name Description
Niagara Ceremony Ceremony VFX for completion of puzzle
Niagara DeathEffect Explosion poof effect - can have multiple uses
Niagar Smoke Rising Chimney Smoke effect
Niagara WindTrails Various Wind trail effects
Cascade Bees Swarm of small 2D bees
Cascade FallingLeafs Slow falling leafs for forest areas
Cascade RunningDust Various Running poof effects depending on physics material
Cascade Wind Trails Cascade based wind trails - proven to be performance heavy
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