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Programmable Component

diana grigorescu edited this page May 17, 2021 · 1 revision


Type Name Description
InstructionList[] StartList The list of instructions to be executed in the timer starting onPlay
Str:Bool Bools Map of variables accessible by the system
TimerHandle StartTimerHandle Handle of the start timer
int Jindex current index of the execution of the list




Type Name Description
InstructionList[] List The list from which the command at the given index will be executed
Int Index The index of the instruction to execute

Executes the instruction at the given index, then increases the global index Jindex.



Type Name Description
str ParamString the parameter of the current instruction


Type Name Description
bool true? is the if condition true

Parses the input string to see if the condition is true of false, then returns it.



Type Name Description
int firstIndex first index of the list to check
int lastIndex Last index of the list to check
InstructionList[] InstructionList
bool executeElse? Should the if execute the else or not

Finds this IF else if present and sets the parameter to pass if shouldn'texecute it, sets the global index to the else if it should execute it, looks for the end if otherwise.



Type Name Description
str parameter for parameter
int index
*InstructionList[] InstrList

If the parameter format is not correct (maxLoop, currentLoop, endForIndex) sets it to the correct one, then executes the loop if the condition is true, or sets the EndFor parameter to pass and sets the global index to the EndFor index.



Type Name Description
Interactable Interactable The parent interactable actor
str direction the paramenter, indicatin the direction

Calls the AIMoveTo() function on the parent interactable actor

AITurn(), Delay

Same as AIMoveTo()

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