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Movement Tutorial

Natan Walentin-Konieczny edited this page May 19, 2021 · 1 revision


Type Name Description
String KeyPressed Parsing Value of the current Key being Pressed as a string (WASD)
Bool Check_InRange Flow Control, checking if player is within bounds before engaging any tutorial objectives
Bool WPressed Check if W key has been pressed (Objective Requirement)
Bool APressed Check if A key has been pressed (Objective Requirement)
Bool SPressed Check if S key has been pressed (Objective Requirement)
Bool DPressed Check if D key has been pressed (Objective Requirement)
Vector StartPos Determining the origin location of the actor
BlockingVolume ObjectRef Reference to the blocking volume in the scene
TutorialController TutControllerRef Reference to the tutorial controller (accessing its variables)

Custom Events


This event moves the actor upwards after the cinematic sequence (only if tutorial is engaged) insuring that collision parameters such as Check_InRange are set to true.

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